// noinspection RedundantIfStatementJS
* @author Maximilian Kallert <max@refinio.net>
* @author Eduard Reimer <eduard@refinio.net>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2020
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 1.0.0
* This module implements the CRDT LWWSet algorithm.
* @module
import {convertValue} from '../object-to-microdata';
import type {RecipeRule} from '../recipes';
import {constructItemRuleFromListRule} from '../util/recipe-checks';
import {isListItemType, ruleHasItemType} from '../util/type-checks';
import {isInteger, isObject} from '../util/type-checks-basic';
import type {CRDTImplementation} from './CRDTImplementation';
interface MetaListEntry {
timestamp: number;
value: unknown;
type MetaListEntryWithHash = MetaListEntry & {
hash: string;
* The structure of the metadata of this crdt.
interface LWWSetMetaData {
addList: MetaListEntry[];
removeList: MetaListEntry[];
// Sort the arrays by timestamp and content
function comparator(a: MetaListEntryWithHash, b: MetaListEntryWithHash): number {
const value = a.timestamp - b.timestamp;
if (value === 0) {
if (a.hash > b.hash) {
return 1;
} else if (a.hash < b.hash) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
return value;
* Function that verifies the array types of the metadata.
* @param {unknown} data - The data to check for compatibility.
* @returns {boolean}
function isLWWSetMetadataFastCheck(data: unknown): data is LWWSetMetaData {
if (!isObject(data)) {
return false;
if (!data || !Array.isArray(data.addList) || !Array.isArray(data.removeList)) {
return false;
return true;
* Function that verifies that the metadata has the correct format, including each array element.
* @param {any} data - The data to check for compatibility.
* @returns {boolean}
function isLWWSetMetadata(data: unknown): data is LWWSetMetaData {
if (!isLWWSetMetadataFastCheck(data)) {
return false;
if (!data.addList.every(addEntry => isInteger(addEntry.timestamp))) {
return false;
if (!data.removeList.every(removeEntry => isInteger(removeEntry.timestamp))) {
return false;
return true;
* Implementation of the last writer wins set (LWW-Set)
* See paper:
* A comprehensive study of Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types
* Marc Shapiro, Nuno PreguiƧa, Carlos Baquero, Marek Zawirski
* p. 24, Section 3.3.3
* https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00555588/document
export class LWWSet implements CRDTImplementation {
private static computeAliveElements(
addList: MetaListEntryWithHash[],
removeList: MetaListEntryWithHash[]
): unknown[] {
// This maps tha hash to elements.
const map = new Map<string, MetaListEntry>();
// Fill the map with all added values.
for (const elem of addList) {
map.set(elem.hash, {
timestamp: elem.timestamp,
value: elem.value
// Remove the elements that have newer remove elements
for (const elem of removeList) {
const latestAdd = map.get(elem.hash);
if (latestAdd && elem.timestamp > latestAdd.timestamp) {
return [...map.values()].map(e => e.value);
* Merge sort and remove duplicates.
* Unique means that the timestamp and the hash are the same.
* @param {MetaListEntryWithHash[]} list1
* @param {MetaListEntryWithHash[]} list2
* @returns {MetaListEntryWithHash[]}
* @private
private static mergeSortDeduplicateList(
list1: MetaListEntryWithHash[],
list2: MetaListEntryWithHash[]
): MetaListEntryWithHash[] {
// Merge and transform the arrays
const mergedList = [...list1, ...list2];
// Remove duplicates
return mergedList.filter((elem, index) => {
// Accept the element if it is the last element.
if (index + 1 >= mergedList.length) {
return true;
// Otherwise compare it with the next and skip if it is the same
return comparator(elem, mergedList[index + 1]) !== 0;
* Adds a hash to all entries that can used to identify equal content.
* Note: At the moment this isn't really a hash, just the stringified content
* because hashing is expensive and asynchronous on browsers. Perhaps
* we should rename it. Hashing is CPU
* @param {MetaListEntry[]} list - List for which to add the hash
* @param {Readonly<RecipeRule>} valueRule - Rule used for serialization
* @returns {MetaListEntryWithHash[]}
* @private
private static addHash(
list: MetaListEntry[],
valueRule: Readonly<RecipeRule>
): MetaListEntryWithHash[] {
return list.map(a => ({
timestamp: a.timestamp,
value: a.value,
hash: convertValue(valueRule, a.value)
* Removes the hash that was added with addHash
* @param {MetaListEntryWithHash[]} list - The list from which to remove the hashes.
* @returns {MetaListEntry[]}
* @private
private static removeHash(list: MetaListEntryWithHash[]): MetaListEntry[] {
return list.map(a => ({
timestamp: a.timestamp,
value: a.value
generateRecipeRules(rule: RecipeRule, path: string): RecipeRule[] {
if (ruleHasItemType(rule) && !isListItemType(rule.itemtype)) {
throw new Error(
`generateRecipeRules: You cannot use the LWWSet implementation if the data type is
not a set: ${rule}`
return [
itemprop: 'addList',
itemtype: {
type: 'bag',
item: {
type: 'object',
rules: [
itemprop: 'timestamp',
itemtype: {type: 'number'}
itemprop: 'value',
inheritFrom: {rule: path, extract: 'CollectionItemType'}
itemprop: 'removeList',
itemtype: {
type: 'bag',
item: {
type: 'object',
rules: [
itemprop: 'timestamp',
itemtype: {type: 'number'}
itemprop: 'value',
inheritFrom: {rule: path, extract: 'CollectionItemType'}
async generateMetaData(
dataOld: unknown,
dataNew: unknown,
metadataOld: unknown,
rule: Readonly<RecipeRule>
): Promise<LWWSetMetaData> {
// #### STEP 1: Sanity checks and rule adaption ####
// If data old is undefined it means, that we don't have any data in it, it is
// equivalent to an empty array.
if (dataOld === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
dataOld = [];
if (metadataOld === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
metadataOld = {
addList: [],
removeList: []
if (!isLWWSetMetadata(metadataOld)) {
throw new Error(`Old medatata has invalid format: ${metadataOld}`);
if (!Array.isArray(dataOld)) {
throw new Error(`The LWWSet needs dataOld to be of type array ${dataOld}`);
if (!Array.isArray(dataNew)) {
throw new Error(`The LWWSet needs dataNew to be of type array ${dataNew}`);
// Create maps that have a unique identifier based on the content as key
// and the value itself as value. They are used to determine added / removed elements
// #### STEP 2: Convert to 'string content' -> 'js object content' ####
const ruleNoList = constructItemRuleFromListRule(rule);
// Leads to: [[string, content], ...]
const dataOldSerialized: Array<[string, any]> = dataOld.map(elem => [
convertValue(ruleNoList, elem),
const dataNewSerialized: Array<[string, any]> = dataNew.map(elem => [
convertValue(ruleNoList, elem),
// Leads to a map: string -> content
const dataOldMap = new Map(dataOldSerialized);
const dataNewMap = new Map(dataNewSerialized);
// #### STEP 3: Find elements that were added / removed and add this information ####
// Fill the output maps based on the calculated differences
const now = Date.now();
const metadataNew: LWWSetMetaData = {
addList: [...metadataOld.addList],
removeList: [...metadataOld.removeList]
// Add added elements to addList
for (const addedElement of dataNewSerialized.filter(elem => !dataOldMap.has(elem[0]))) {
timestamp: now,
value: addedElement[1]
// Add deleted elements to removeList
for (const deletedElement of dataOldSerialized.filter(elem => !dataNewMap.has(elem[0]))) {
timestamp: now,
value: deletedElement[1]
return metadataNew;
async mergeMetaData(
objLatestVersion: unknown,
metadataLatestVersion: unknown,
objToMerge: unknown,
metadataToMerge: unknown,
rule: Readonly<RecipeRule>
): Promise<{metadata: LWWSetMetaData; data: unknown}> {
// #### STEP 1: Sanity checks and rule adaption ####
// If data old is undefined it means, that we don't have any data in it, it is
// equivalent to an empty array.
if (objLatestVersion === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
objLatestVersion = [];
if (metadataLatestVersion === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
metadataLatestVersion = {
addList: [],
removeList: []
if (!isLWWSetMetadata(metadataLatestVersion)) {
throw new Error(`Old medatata has invalid format: ${metadataLatestVersion}`);
if (!isLWWSetMetadata(metadataToMerge)) {
throw new Error(`Merge metadata has invalid format: ${metadataLatestVersion}`);
if (!Array.isArray(objLatestVersion)) {
throw new Error(`The LWWSet needs dataOld to be of type array: ${objLatestVersion}`);
if (!Array.isArray(objToMerge)) {
throw new Error(`The LWWSet needs dataMerge to be of type array: ${objToMerge}`);
const ruleNoList = constructItemRuleFromListRule(rule);
// #### STEP 2: Calculate new metadata by merging the old ones ####
const mergedAddList = LWWSet.mergeSortDeduplicateList(
LWWSet.addHash(metadataLatestVersion.addList, ruleNoList),
LWWSet.addHash(metadataToMerge.addList, ruleNoList)
const mergedRemoveList = LWWSet.mergeSortDeduplicateList(
LWWSet.addHash(metadataLatestVersion.removeList, ruleNoList),
LWWSet.addHash(metadataToMerge.removeList, ruleNoList)
// #### STEP 3: Generate the new data object ####
const data = LWWSet.computeAliveElements(mergedAddList, mergedRemoveList);
// #### STEP 4: return metadata and data ####
return {
metadata: {
addList: LWWSet.removeHash(mergedAddList),
removeList: LWWSet.removeHash(mergedRemoveList)
data: data