
ONE objects



ONE objects are stored as microdata on disk and as Javascript objects during runtime. The basic structure always looks like this simple example object with just one property "name":

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/MyType"><span itemprop="name">FooBar</span></span>

ONE microdata objects are described by recipes. A recipe describes the type name as well as the names and types of all properties. Recipes are stored in ./src/recipes.ts (scroll down to the definition of export const CORE_RECIPES).

While the microdata string is how ONE objects are stored, and the SHA-256 identifying the content is derived from it, in applications we use a native object representation since microdata (basically an HTML string) would be unwieldy and impractical.


ONE objects as Javascript objects are of interest only to programmers of an app working with the local data in memory. Any exchange with external parties including other ONE instances is done using microdata.

In Javascript the object for the microdata example from above looks like this:

const exampleOneObject = {
    type: 'MyType',  // reserved property for the ONE type name
    name: 'FooBar'

Reserved property name: "type" cannot be used as property name because this is the property ONE uses for the ONE object type name.

The modules responsible for the conversions are ./src/object-to-microdata.ts and ./src/microdata-to-object.ts. There also is a module ./src/microdata-to-json.ts which translates a microdata string directly to a JSON string, without going through an intermediate format (direct string-to-string conversion, for speed).

In order to be able to get reliable SHA-256 hashes of the data content The microdata format is very strict and the parser has no leniency built-in - a single character out of place and the microdata is rejected. Spaces and newlines are not allowed (unless it is in the data of course). Any space or newline character makes the microdata invalid as a ONE object.

Object properties (keys)

Another issue for producing consistent hashes from the same data is that since properties in a ONE object don't have a natural order because they are key/value stores. However, when converting to microdata we have to ensure a reproducible order, since the SHA-256 hash would be different if individual properties (stored inside <span itemprop="propertyName"> tags) are in a different order. For example, the following two Person objects have the exact same data, but their SHA-256 hashes are different

Note: Indentation and newlines inserted for readability.

SHA-256: e2912ff8a92478c4dad5d6be8268c3b8695016e12fcd52d6d905a5b438609b94:

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>
    <span itemprop="name">Foo Bar</span>

SHA-256: 2e05d63dadf4053a8e76dd48da60071152b441c9ccece92885deb08e8cd651f5:

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="name">Foo Bar</span>
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>

To solve this problem the order of rules in the recipes determines the order of properties inside the microdata string.

Object values

Using the ordered sequence of rules only solves the problem of non -deterministic microdata strings (and resulting difference in SHA 256 hashes for the same raw data) for single value properties. We also have properties with a rule property called list where one property can have multiple values.

Multi-value properties

This list property can take one of two string constant values, which are provided through an enum ORDERED_BYexported by recipes:

  • ORDERED_BY.ONE - Your data is like an unordered "bag" rather than an ordered array (but we only have ordered arrays in Javascript, unlike e.g. in Java)
  • ORDERED_BY.APP - Your data is ordered and the sequence matters to you

You should ignore the actual string constants being used and always use that exported object.

As the names indicate, if you set ORDERED_BY.ONE as the value for the list property in a recipe-rule describing a property that is going to accept an array of values that array will be sorted by ONE *after conversion of each array item to a microdata <span> tag containing the (HTML-escaped) value of the item. That means your array of data is not mutated, only the ephemeral internal array of mcirodata strings before being added to the final microdata string for the object. The sorting will be done alphabetically but it could really be any order.

The point is that if your data is a bag of unordered data, e.g. a list of email addresses collected from parsing documents and if the parsing was done in parallel the order of the collected emails might be random, or even if it was not random that a different sequence of those addresses would still be the same "data" to you. Your algorithm, if run again, mught produce a different sequence, which would produce a ONE object with a different hash unless a reproducible order is enforced.

If on the other hand your application takes care of of producing an ordered array set list: ORDERED_BY.APP in the recipe-rule and ONE will not do any sorting but convert the array to microdata exactly in the given order.

JSON-encoded data properties

One option for values is to be stored as "object": In the recipes a property can be marked as storing this type. This means that any data handed to the object-to-microdata converter simply is converted to JSON. Since the native JSON.stringify method is inconsistent - it iterates over an object's properties in insertion order - we use our own method implemented in module ./src/sorted-stringify.ts. It guarantees that the order inside the JSON string always is the same. It also converts Set and Map properties and stores them in an array representation.

Data created by ONE's modules is guaranteed to have the correct format. Saving the same data (in the form of a Javascript object) will always create the exact same microdata.


The name of an object (and the filename for storing it) is determined by creating the SHA-256 hash of the microdata string.

For example, the filename of the example object

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/MyType"><span itemprop="name">FooBar</span></span>

is e39e901b6b2b6c4e30287c8d9b14c40bad597200f26f78b3bc7bba0075abd241.

Exception: Some changing but purely internal files like VersionMap objects (explained below) are stored under a fixed hash name component, and their name may consist of more than the hash.

Nested objects

To keep things as simple as possible ONE objects are flat. However, it is possible to nest objects: A property in a parent object can be declared as having a "type", with the type being the name of another ONE object recipe. Instead of a regular value (string, number, boolean) another object can be the value.

An example for a nested object are KeyValueMap objects including an array of key-value objects called KeyValueMapItem.

NOTE: The meaning of the individual properties does not matter, this is just an example for how a nested ONE object and a ONE object recipe look like. This particular object is actually obsolete and will probably be removed since it will probably always be better to use a "JSON" property to save an array in a ONE object (recipe rule option: jsType: 'object').

Example, first the microdata:

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/KeyValueMap">
    <span itemprop="name">SomeType => OtherType</span>
    <span itemprop="valuesAreArrays">false</span>
    <span itemprop="keyJsType">string</span>
    <span itemprop="valueJsType">string</span>
    <span itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/KeyValueMapItem">
        <span itemprop="key">0006d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a</span>
        <span itemprop="value">4996d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a</span>
    <span itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/KeyValueMapItem">
        <span itemprop="key">4446d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a</span>
        <span itemprop="value">7996d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a</span>

The microdata converted to a Javascript object:

const asJsObject = {
    type: "KeyValueMap",
    name: "SomeType => OtherType",
    valuesAreArrays: false,
    keyJsType: "string",
    valueJsType: "string",
    item: [
            type: "KeyValueMapItem",
            key: "0006d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a",
            value: "4996d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a"
            type: "KeyValueMapItem",
            key: "4446d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a",
            value: "7996d9bfc4a8bdb1f6b7e744b3ba3acaa9e18882ae08096a41ebe9c7356f325a"

Finally, the Recipe objects for KeyValueMap and for KeyValueMapItem with the array of RecipeRule objects. Recipes and rules are themselves described by ONE objects! That means the type property in those objects is the ONE object meta-property and not part of the actual recipe or rule.

const KeyValueMapRecipe = {
    type: 'Recipe',
    name: 'KeyValueMap',
    rule: [
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'name'
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'valuesAreArrays',
            jsType: 'boolean'
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'keyJsType'
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'valueJsType'
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'item',
            referenceTo: new Set(['KeyValueMapItem']),
            sequenceMatters: true,
            multiple: true

const KeyValueMapItemRecipe = {
    type: 'Recipe',
    name: 'KeyValueMapItem',
    rule: [
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'key'
            type: 'RecipeRule',
            itemprop: 'value',
            multiple: true

ID objects and object versions

ID objects are purely virtual constructs that are not written to disk. An actual object with the same properties (when no other than the mandatory ID properties are present) has a different hash than an ID object, because a string data-id-object="true" is added to the outer type identifying <span> tag.

An ID object is created by using only properties marked as isId: true in ./src/recipes.ts (or in your own recipes for your own data).

For example, the only ID property in a Person object is email. All other properties are optional for ONE - the application may have other ideas because it knows more about what the object actually represents. If an application requires a property it is up to the app to make sure it exists, ONE will not enforce the presence of any property unless it is an ID property because it does not have the subject knowledge.

ID objects are only created temporarily in RAM for the sole purpose to create an "ID hash" from their microdata representation. They are never written. This ID hash identifies all versions of a given ONE object because it is used to store the version map, which is an internal ONE object that lists all hashes of all objects representing different versions of this object.

ID objects and therefore ID hashes can be produced from any concrete version of the object. Internally this is done simply by omitting any non-ID properties, converting the resulting object to microdata - and then also adding a special data-id-object="true" to the outer <span> tag of the object before calculating the SHA-256 of the microdata string.

Here is an example of an ID object for the "Person" ONE object type, which has only one ID property "email":

Note: Indentation and newlines inserted for readability.

<span data-id-object="true" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>

The SHA-256 of this string is 400d6354a2305d90575a28407fd37b5fe1c09a091bf70d6b5f9802ecc7687718. This is the ID hash representing all Person objects where the email property is foo@bar.com.

For example, if we have three Person objects (Note: indentation and newlines added for readability, they are not present in ONE microdata)

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>

SHA-256: 37ccb840e0017eb22b9bf25c4d1a26c7e104168e543b79db4a5bb14ddc65e9b8

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>
    <span itemprop="name">Foo Bar</span>

SHA-256: e2912ff8a92478c4dad5d6be8268c3b8695016e12fcd52d6d905a5b438609b94

<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>
    <span itemprop="name">Foo Foo Bar</span>

SHA-256: 0402efc268ca699fc292ac7d948b8b186b26fc0e115d9433f3b979bc30dd7a43

They are three different versions of the same object, because the ID object of all of them is the same, since the only ID pproperty "email" is the same. In this example the first Person Object happens to only have ID properties, but its hash still is different from the ID hash because the latter has the additional attribute data-id-object="true" in the opening span tag.

The ID hash is used to store a VersionMap ONE object listing these three versions. The key is the hash of the Plan creating the object, the value is the hash of the created object:


Note that nothing is ever deleted (at least not during normal ONE operation, an app can of course do whatever it wants), so this map only ever grows when entries for new versions are appended.

Also note that the values don't have to be unique: A SHA-256 pointing to the latest object may very well exist in an earlier position. In the context of Person objects this could happen when an address item is changed and later changed back. No new Person object will have been created since the exact same Person object from last time still exists, but its SHA-256 is appended at the last position to show that this now again is the current version.

Note: See ./src/object-recipes.ts for the definitions of the ONE objects mentioned in this document.

Accessing an object

To access an object we first have to get an ID-hash (possibly by building an ID-object to get its hash), then we load the version map (Plan => Object) for that particular object which is stored under that hash. It has a list of all versions of the object. The last entry in the version map points to the latest version of the object.

New entries are always added at the end, so the last entry always points to the latest object and thereby the latest version of the object identified by the ID-hash.

Creating or updating an object

Step 1: Creating a Plan

Writing anything is only possible through a Plan, which must create at least one versioned object.

Plan-creating functions are available in the storage API module for 1 or n created objects, the 1-object creating function merely being a convenience wrapper around the latter that returns a single object creation result structure instead of an array.

The Plan-creating function needs a) the name of a module with an object-creating function, b) arguments for that function. A Plan object is created using that data, it is stored and the result of storing the Plan object is examined (it has a creatioon status component which can be either "new" or "exists"): If the Plan already exists we return the previous results using the PlanEnd object of the Plan, which contains a list of all previous results.

If the Plan is new we need to run the given code which returns one or more versioned ONE objects and possibly a number of unversioned objects like maps, or CLOBs or BLOBs. For each versioned object we go through these steps (unversioned objects and CLOBs/BLOBs are just a simple write):

Step 2: Creating one or more objects

We write the object, then calculate the ID-hash of the object, insert that string into the string template for the empty version map (see above) for this object, update or create this version map, and then return the VersionedObjectResult of the object creation (i.e. the object itself, its SHA-256, its ID-hash's SHA-256, and the creation status "new", "exists", "appended", the last one if another version of that object already existed).

This process may be repeated. Also, unversioned objects as well as CLOBs and BLOBs could be written. The Plan intercepts all write operations and collects information about which objects are written, whether versioned, unversioned, CLOB or BLOB.

Step 3: Creating a PlanEnd object

Plan objects

TODO: fix Plan objects control the creation of ONE objects. The only way to create a (versioned) object is to go through a Plan. Module storage-unversioned-objects.ts has two methods to create ONE objects through a Plan: createObjectsWithPlan and createObjectsWithPlan. The latter is merely a convenience shortcut for the former when only one object is expected, to avoid getting an array of one object but instead get the object directly.

Plan objects have SHA-256 hashes to all (code) modules involved in creating an object and a JSON.stringify-ed list of the arguments for that code.

Before executing the code that is supposed to create the ONE objects the global Plan index is checked with the hash of the Plan. If we find this exact Plan has already been run, meaning we have an entry for this Plan hash, we do not run the code but simply return the previous results.

This means that some thought may have to go into designing the object-creating function and its arguments. For example, the Mailbox object creating function that downloads messages from an IMAP server and creates a Mailbox object pointing to all downloaded email BLOB files does not know if anything changed on the IMAP server in advance. So the parameters only include the ImapAccount object and the name of the mailbox on that account. This means a Plan would only be created once: After all, when we call the same function a day later it still is the same ImapAccount and the same mailbox name, so the exact same Plan hash would be created.

In such a case when external data is involved a dummy parameter representing that data could be used: In the Mailbox object example we have chosen to add a timestamp to the parameters. This leads to creation of a new Plan each time the function is called. This is only an approximation of the real world: If we call the function a hundred times per hour and there is no new email on the server then we get the exact same Mailbox object, so we should not have run the Plan, but we cannot know that. Getting the data from the server before creating the Plan on the other hand would take responsibility that belongs into the Mailbox module out of it. In this case a timestamp seems a sufficiently reasonable proxy for the unknown state of the external data source.

On the other hand, unless some thought is given to designing the object creating module's API it is possible to have parameters that do change the hash of the resulting Plan object but have no influence on the resulting objects! This too is undesirable. These examples show that designing the interface for the modules called through Plans requires some planning.

Internal objects reverse and version maps

These purely internal objects are never shared with the outside which is why they use a structure that does not conform to the ONE object convention but is instead optimized for storage space and speed. In particular,

  1. They are purely text-based, there is no microdata. There is one entry per line. The newlines separating individual entries are Unix style (just \n).

  2. System maps are stored under a hash independent of the SHA-256 of their string microdata. System maps are stored in a different location, not with the data files, and there is one location for each type of system map.

  3. System maps change (goes along with (2)). No other file in ONE storage ever changes.

Version maps

These maps for versioned objects are created per ID-object, have an entry for each version of an object are stored under the hash of the ID-object (ID-hash) they are for. On filesystem based storage version maps are stored in the version-maps subdirectory.



The timestamp is the time the object was created (or recreated, if it already existed) and when the version map entry was made.

The Plan hashes are the hashes of the Plan that created that particular object.

The object hashes are the hashes of the concrete ONE objects that were created.

New entries are always appended at the bottom.

Reverse maps

These maps are created for all objects per referencing object type, meaning if an object is referenced by another object a reverse map from the referenced and to the referencing object an entry in the referenced object's reverse map for the referencing object's type is made.

Reverse maps are the counter part to references (down the tree, towards leave nodes): They point back up the tree, from the object being referenced to the one that has the reference.

On filesystem based storage version maps are stored in the reverse-maps subdirectory.

Reverse maps are optional, confgurable in the instance. They can be left out completely, written for all references, or only for references from selected object types.

Reverse map file names differ because it is not (only) a SHA-256 hash:

[hash of object being referenced].[H|I].to.[type of referencing object]

The first component is the hash of the object the reverse map belongs to, which can be the hash of a real object for unversioned objects and an ID object for versioned objects.

The second component is an "H" or an "I", short for Hash and for ID-hash. This is for a human reader and has meaning for ONE itself. It shows whether the first component is a concrete object hash or an ID hash. Both versioned object references as well as ID-hash references (linking to all versions of an object) are put into the same reverse map (i.e. the ID hash is used), i.e. the concrete object hash is used only for reverse maps of unversioned objects, which do not have an ID.

The third component is the type string of the object which has the reference to the hash in the first component.



The target object hash is the same for all entries for all of an unversioned object's reverse maps. The reverse map for a versioned object can have any of its concrete object versions as the target hash, of the ID hash itself if the reference is an ID reference pointing to all versions and not a concrete one.

Reverse maps contain entries that could be described with the SQL statement GROUP BY referenced-hash, referencing type. If we were to group only by "referenced hash" we would have one reverse map, but we have an additional item to group by, so we end up with different reverse maps for any one given referenced object hash, one for each type.

The reason is that we think the most common use case for reverse maps, to go UP the tree created by the hash references, is to look for references from a specific type of object. For example, in an application dealing with emails, if the tree is from Folder objects to Email objects and you want to know which folders a given email is in you use the reverse map for that object and for the Folder type. Since reverse maps may become quite large separating them per type is more efficient in most use cases, if everything was in one file most entries would be read via expensive I/O operations only to be thrown away.

Starting for the first time

The basic structure of the most basic node.js ONE app might look like this (the example uses TypeScript types as Javascript type system — but apart from the type annotations the code is 100% pure ECMAScript):

// @flow
'use strict';

const Instance = require('One/lib/instance.js');

// In order to use async/await the code must be inside a function.
const run = async function (): Promise<void> {
    const instance: InstanceObj = await Instance.init({
        email: 'test@test.com',
        instanceName: 'test',
        directory: '/some/path'

    // Application code:
    // ....


Altogether 8 files are created when you run Instance.init for the first time (per storage area).

Overview over all eight files created during initial startup

NOTE: Newlines and indentation inserted for readability, they don't exist in any ONE object!

  • Plan for Person and the Instance object (the JSON string inside "parameters" is one long line in real life!) (SHA-256: 6bdbabc535ef67b08388f57020185eec816de7c1402cb0a384b458304144c95d)
<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Plan">
    <span itemprop="parameters">
    <span itemprop="moduleName">lib/identity</span>
  • Person object (SHA-256: b8d6e8d8a547d99e100e6e21203ea9bdf3838e9c7e35a0f55ab3b1b5faa9cbef)
<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Person">
    <span itemprop="email">test@test.com</span>
  • Version map (Plan => Object) for the Person object (SHA-256: the ID-hash of the Person object 13268e03b3b629cf25f08505cf83bd92438631ebbc010ccaa24d90a74b5487a0)
  • Instance object (SHA-256: 5f60f7970e038923879747c7cc237eaaaaa1fde404cbe311171399315af67ba6)
<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Instance">
    <span itemprop="name">test</span>
    <span itemprop="ownerId">13268e03b3b629cf25f08505cf83bd92438631ebbc010ccaa24d90a74b5487a0</span>
  • Version map (Plan => Object) for the Instance object (SHA-256: the ID-hash of the Instance object ed7a0aea9ced968e93ce7372864754034158125f42587eb302ef8e202aeed814)
  • PlanEnd for Person and Instance object (SHA-256: 14f5c712f86e57659b8036f4cef11642abaf528c9f9a471e4205cb0f922dd57a)
<span itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/PlanEnd">
    <span itemprop="plan">6bdbabc535ef67b08388f57020185eec816de7c1402cb0a384b458304144c95d</span>
    <span itemprop="startTime">1498336599873</span>
    <span itemprop="endTime">1498336599886</span>
    <span itemprop="objectVersioned" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/VersionedCreationResult">
        <span itemprop="object" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Reference">
            <a itemprop="hash" href="5f60f7970e038923879747c7cc237eaaaaa1fde404cbe311171399315af67ba6">
            <span itemprop="targetType">Instance</span>
            <span itemprop="id">ed7a0aea9ced968e93ce7372864754034158125f42587eb302ef8e202aeed814</span>
        <span itemprop="status">new</span>
        <span itemprop="versionMapUpdate">new</span>
    <span itemprop="objectVersioned" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/VersionedCreationResult">
        <span itemprop="object" itemscope itemtype="http://gecko.io/Reference">
            <a itemprop="hash" href="b8d6e8d8a547d99e100e6e21203ea9bdf3838e9c7e35a0f55ab3b1b5faa9cbef">
            <span itemprop="targetType">Person</span>
            <span itemprop="id">13268e03b3b629cf25f08505cf83bd92438631ebbc010ccaa24d90a74b5487a0</span>
        <span itemprop="status">new</span>
        <span itemprop="versionMapUpdate">new</span>
    <span itemprop="returns">b8d6e8d8a547d99e100e6e21203ea9bdf3838e9c7e35a0f55ab3b1b5faa9cbef</span>
    <span itemprop="returns">5f60f7970e038923879747c7cc237eaaaaa1fde404cbe311171399315af67ba6</span>

The PlanEnd object contains two "Reference" objects which lead to the creation of reverse maps from the referenced objects back to the referencing object (the PlanEnd object):

  • ReverseMap object for the Person (owner) object (SHA-256: 8554d91f414ab5d3cd402640f6aa0e2d9694f358f20a21de2bcb93ad90db9ae7.I.to.PlanEnd)
  • ReverseMap object for the Instance object (SHA-256: d3c1ec51bab6213295c47f3ade200835c31622d9643cf087c0a2c8585e432dc5.I.to.PlanEnd)