* @author Michael Hasenstein <hasenstein@yahoo.com>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2017
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 0.0.1
* The module provides the convertMicrodataToObject() function that parses ONE object microdata
* and returns a Javascript object representing the data. You can find examples in
* `<PROJECT_HOME>/test/microdata-to-object-test.js`
* ## Main export: Function ' convert'
* **The `convert` function is the main export of this module**, all other exports are for
* low-level performance optimizations that an application probably should not deal with.
* For example, this minimal Person object with just an email address is converted to the object
* below:
* ```javascript
* import {convertMicrodataToObject} from 'one.core/lib/microdata-to-object');
* console.log(
* convertMicrodataToObject(
* '<div itemscope itemtype="//refin.io/Person">' +
* '<span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="name">Foo Bar</span>' +
* '</span>'
* )
* );
* ```
* Output:
* ```
* {
* $type$: "Person",
* email: "foo@bar.com",
* name: "Foo Bar"
* }
* ```
* When parsing microdata the primary thing the parser looks at actually is not the microdata
* string - it is the rules in {@link object-recipes.module:ts|object-recipes}. For example,
* the rules for the `Person` object above could look like in the example below. Rules are
* described in {@link RecipeRule}.
* ```javascript
* Person: [
* {
* // <span itemprop="email">foo@bar.com</span>
* itemprop: 'email',
* isId: true
* },
* {
* // <span itemprop="name">Foo Bar</span>
* itemprop: 'name'
* }
* ],
* ```
* When parsing microdata the parser iterates over the (ordered) sequence of rules. This tells
* the parser exactly what character(s) it should expect, and if the input string cannot be
* matched to the expectation the conversion fails with an error. There also is no room for
* any additional white-space or line-breaks, since every single unexpected character would
* change the SHA-256 hash of the microdata.
* ## Other exports
* In addition to the main conversion function the module also exports the converter's component
* function, each responsible for part of a microdata object, so that other modules can use them
* to parse sections of microdata without doing a full conversion of the entire object.
* It is important to note that those functions were written first of all for this module, and
* that exposing them via exports was an afterthought - quite deliberately. You notice this in
* the list of parameters that they require, which are optimized for the beginning-to-end
* one-step parsing of an entire microdata ONE object without copying strings.
* Each component function is always given the full microdata string *plus a position
* (number)*. Each function expects to find what it is told to look for at the exact position
* that it was given! That means any outside function calling, for example,
* `parseValueByTheExpectedType` must first find the correct position on its own and only then
* call `parseValueByTheExpectedType`. This is not a disadvantage for performance, there is no way
* around searching through the microdata to find that location in any case, and you still
* bypass the full microdata-to-object converter which would parse every item up to that point.
* For example, this is how you could extract a single value in a long microdata object:
* The example uses a `OneTest$KeyValueMap` object that could be defined using these rules
* ```javascript
* [
* { itemprop: 'name' },
* {
* itemprop: 'item',
* list: 'orderedByApp',
* rule: [
* {
* itemprop: 'key'
* },
* {
* itemprop: 'value',
* list: CoreTypes.ORDERED_BY.ONE
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* ```
* ```javascript
* import * as MicrodataToObject from 'one.core/lib/microdata-to-object';
* // The parser requires the recipes used to construct the ONE objects
* import * as ObjectRecipes from './object-recipes';
* // We need the rule that constructed the property we want - note that this is part of the
* // nested "item" object in the OneTest$KeyValueMap recipe OneTest$KeyValueMap, defined above
* const ValueRule = {
* itemprop: 'value',
* list: CoreTypes.ORDERED_BY.ONE
* };
* const microdata =
* '<div itemscope itemtype="//refin.io/OneTest$KeyValueMap">',
* '<span itemprop="name">MyKey => RandomText</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="keyJsType">number</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="valueJsType">string</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="item">' +
* '<span itemprop="key">someKey1</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="value">Foo text for key #1</span>' +
* '</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="item">' +
* '<span itemprop="key">someKey2</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="value">Why are there so many bananas in the pool?</span>' +
* '</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="item">' +
* '<span itemprop="key">someKey3</span>' +
* '<span itemprop="value">This man\'s name: Einstein</span>' +
* '</span>' +
* '</span>';
* const searchKey = 'someKey2';
* const searchString = '<span itemprop="key">' + searchKey + '</span>';
* // IMPORTANT: Position must be on the value following the key, because that is what we want!
* // The parse function will fail if the string at the given position does not start with
* // <span itemprop="value">
* const position = microdata.indexOf(searchString) + searchString.length;
* TODO fix example code
* const {value} = MicrodataToObject.parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(rule.itemtype, rule, CONTEXT)
* //microdata, position, ValueRule);
* console.log(value);
* ```
* Output:
* ```
* Why are there so many bananas in the pool?
* ```
* @module
* This type is used in the ONE microdata parsing modules, first of all in
* {@link microdata-to-object.module:ts|microdata-to-object}.
* It is used to store the last value that a particular parser sub-function successfully parsed
* (if any) as well as the position in the microdata string up to which parsing has advanced.
* ### Programming style notes:
* The context object makes the parse functions impure, since the parsing position is stored on
* the outside. The reason is that we wanted to avoid a complex return type for the parse
* functions: The parsed value plus the position would both have to be returned, which means an
* object or array-object (tuple) would have to be created to box the return values. As an
* optimization, to save on object creations (especially with embedded platform JS runtimes in
* mind), we create an external object which gets passed into the parse functions as a pointer
* and whose `position` property is mutated.
* Most people would make the whole parser a class and use `this` as the context object. We
* chose to be explicit throughout one.core, which avoids `this` binding issues if an individual
* parsing function is to be used standalone (since we export a number of those individual
* partial parser functions that parse only a small section).
* @global
* @typedef {object} ParseContext
* @property {string} html - Read-only property pointing to the microdata string being parsed
* @property {boolean} [isIdObj] - If `true` expect ID object microdata (with its additional special
* outer header attribute of `data-id-object="true"`)
* @property {number} position - **MUTATED** - The position in the microdata string up to which
* parsing got so far
export interface ParseContext {
readonly html: string;
readonly isIdObj: boolean;
position: number;
import type {OneIdObjectInterfaces} from '@OneObjectInterfaces';
import {createError} from './errors';
import {ensureValidTypeName, getRecipe, resolveRuleInheritance} from './object-recipes';
import {getHashLinkTypeFromRule} from './object-to-microdata';
import type {
} from './recipes';
import {ID_OBJ_MICRODATA_START, MICRODATA_START} from './util/object';
import {substrForceMemCopy} from './util/string';
import {isHash} from './util/type-checks';
* TODO This function should not be necessary but use findClosingTag/() instead
* @static
* @param {string} html
* @param {number} position
* @returns {{start: number, end: number}}
export function extractMicrodataWithTag(
html: string,
position: number
): {start: number; end: number} {
// Place the staring position just after the "<" of the first tag - our current position
let newPos = position + 1;
// The tag we start from is already counted
let openTagsCount = 1;
while (openTagsCount > 0) {
newPos = html.indexOf('<', newPos) + 1;
if (newPos === 0) {
throw createError('M2IH-FET1', {position, html});
if (html.charAt(newPos) === '/') {
openTagsCount -= 1;
} else {
openTagsCount += 1;
return {start: position, end: html.indexOf('>', newPos) + 1};
* Find the end tag for a given opening span tag, skipping over any nested tags. It finds the
* position just after the last character ">" of the closing tag.
* ## Assumptions
* - This function does not check the names of the tags, it only blindly counts "<" (in
* combination with a "/" for a closing tag) and ">" characters. This means that any opening
* tag should have a corresponding closing tag, which is the case for our microdata (plus, we
* only have span tags but that does not matter to this function).
* - The only tag name assumption is that we are looking for a span tag, and it only matters
* because we assume a constant length of the closing tag that we found when returning the final
* position.
* - This function relies on the starting position already being advanced past the initial "<"
* character of the opening tag
* @param {string} html - The HTML string to search
* @param {number} position - Start searching at this position
* @returns {number} The position of the character just after the final ">" of the closing tag
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if no closing tag could be found
export function findClosingTag(html: string, position: number): number {
// Our policy: Keep the function parameters immutable, even if it does not matter for simple
// value parameters. One should be able to rely on the function parameters having the same
// value anywhere in the function.
let newPos = position;
// We start after the <span> at position 0 which we already know to be there
let openTagsCount = 1;
// Stop when the matching closing span tag has been found that together with the opening one
// encloses other tags inside it; alternatively, stop if we get to the end of the string
// without having found such a tag, meaning this is an invalid microdata object.
while (openTagsCount > 0) {
// Look for the next HTML tag - opening or closing, starting from the last position.
// indexOf() returns -1 if it cannot find "<" after the last position.
// Add 1 to advance to the character after the "<"
newPos = html.indexOf('<', newPos) + 1;
if (newPos === 0) {
throw createError('M2IH-FET1', {position, html});
// Opening or closing?
if (html.charAt(newPos) === '/') {
// This is a closing tag </span>
openTagsCount -= 1;
} else {
// This is an opening tag <span...>. The more open tags we encounter the more
// closing ones we need to find - plus one to close the opening tag.
openTagsCount += 1;
// The NEXT position after the matched end tag string's final ">" character.
// -1 because we want /a>, /span>, /ol> or /ul>
return newPos - 1;
* The only concern here is that your microdata must have the same tag that describes the item. E.g.
* only <span> ... </span> or <li> ... </li> etc
* Breaks the given array microdata into an array. Parsed by the given params (startStr, endStr).
* E.g for the following microdata:
* ```html
* <ol><li>1</li><li>2</li><ol>
* ```
* The result will be:
* ```javascript
* [1,2]
* ```
* @param {string} html
* @param {string} startingTag
* @param {string} endingTag
* @param {number} startingTagPosition
* @param {number} endingTagPosition
* @returns {string[]}
export function breakMicrodataIntoArray(
html: string,
startingTag: string,
endingTag: string,
startingTagPosition: number,
endingTagPosition: number
): string[] {
// slice the microdata by the given interval (removing upper tags)
const slicedMicrodata = html.substr(
endingTagPosition - startingTagPosition
const values = [];
let startPosition = startingTag.length;
// TODO To be rewritten. We have all the info to know when to end this loop.
try {
while (true) {
const newEndingTagPosition = findClosingTag(slicedMicrodata, startPosition);
const pieceOfMicrodata = substrForceMemCopy(
newEndingTagPosition - startPosition
startPosition = newEndingTagPosition + endingTag.length + startingTag.length;
} catch (err) {
// Not the greatest stop condition ... but because findClosingTag throws error when the
// position reaches 0 we can catch that and break the loop
if (err.code !== 'M2IH-FET1') {
throw err;
return values;
* Strings saved inside microdata had to have some special characters replaced. See
* {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/7279035/544779}.
* This is the reverse of what we did when creating microdata strings in function
* `escapeHtml()` of module {@link object-to-microdata.module:ts|object-to-microdata}
* @static
* @param {string} html - A string that needs to be HTML-escaped
* @returns {string} Returns the HTML-escaped string
export function unescapeFromHtml(html: string): string {
return String(html).replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/&/g, '&');
* @private
* @param {string} val
* @returns {string}
function stringToString(val: string): string {
return unescapeFromHtml(val);
* @private
* @param {string} val
* @returns {boolean}
function stringToBoolean(val: string): boolean {
return unescapeFromHtml(val) === 'true';
* We don't use parseInt or parseFloat because we got exact representations - all
* numbers were originally Javascript numbers, integer or float, and were written
* using their own toString() method. So reading and converting them back to a
* number should work fine with Number(...)
* @private
* @param {string} val
* @returns {number}
function stringToNumber(val: string): number {
return Number(unescapeFromHtml(val));
* I used https://stackoverflow.com/a/39154413/544779 for inspiration.
* RegExp as string (regexp.toString()) example: "/ab\/\n/g"
* @private
* @param {string} val
* @returns {RegExp}
function stringToRegexp(val: string): RegExp {
const flagsPosition = unescapeFromHtml(val).lastIndexOf('/');
return new RegExp(
// Exclude the leading and trailing "/" slashes
unescapeFromHtml(val).substring(1, flagsPosition),
// Start after the trailing "/" slash
unescapeFromHtml(val).substring(flagsPosition + 1)
* No try/catch - we *want* this to throw if the JSON is invalid! It makes the
* entire object invalid, there should not be a ONE object with syntactically
* wrong data in the first place.
* @private
* @param {string} val
* @returns {*} The returned value is the value encoded in the JSON string
function stringToObject(val: string): unknown {
return JSON.parse(unescapeFromHtml(val));
* Extracts any primitive type from the given microdata. {@link PrimitiveValueTypes}
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule.itemprop} rule
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {unknown}
function extractPrimitiveTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
isNested: boolean = false
): unknown {
// if the given type is a nested one, the value exists by itself, without span tags
if (isNested) {
return CONTEXT.html;
const startStr = `<span itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`;
const endStr = '</span>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length;
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
const valueStart = CONTEXT.position + startStrLen;
const valueEnd = CONTEXT.html.indexOf('<', valueStart);
const valueStr = substrForceMemCopy(CONTEXT.html, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);
CONTEXT.position += startStrLen + valueStr.length + endStr.length;
return valueStr;
* Extracts a SHA256 from the given microdata
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule.itemprop} rule
* @param {ReferenceValueTypes.type} referenceType
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {unknown}
function extractReferenceTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
referenceType: ReferenceValueTypes['type'],
isNested: boolean = false
): unknown {
const startStr = isNested
? `<a data-type="${getHashLinkTypeFromRule(referenceType)}">`
: `<a itemprop="${rule.itemprop}" data-type="${getHashLinkTypeFromRule(referenceType)}">`;
const endStr = '</a>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length; // + {hash}"> = 64 + 2
const valueStart = CONTEXT.position + startStrLen;
const valueEnd = CONTEXT.html.indexOf('<', valueStart);
const valueStr = substrForceMemCopy(CONTEXT.html, valueStart, valueEnd - valueStart);
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
if (!isHash(valueStr)) {
throw createError('M2O-PV1', {itemprop: rule.itemprop, valueStr});
CONTEXT.position += startStrLen + valueStr.length + endStr.length;
return valueStr;
* Extracts an ordered list from the given microdata.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule} rule
* @param {StringValue | IntegerValue | NumberValue | BooleanValue | StringifiableValue |
* ReferenceToObjValue | ReferenceToIdValue | ReferenceToClobValue | ReferenceToBlobValue |
* MapValue | BagValue | ArrayValue | SetValue | ObjectValue} itemType
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {unknown[] | undefined}
function extractOrderedListTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
itemType: BagValue['item'] | SetValue['item'],
isNested: boolean = false
): unknown[] | undefined {
let startStr;
if (isNested) {
startStr = '<ol>';
} else {
startStr = `<ol itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`;
const endStr = '</ol>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length;
if (CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr + endStr)) {
CONTEXT.position += (startStr + endStr).length;
return [];
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
const closingTagPosition = findClosingTag(CONTEXT.html, CONTEXT.position + startStrLen);
const extractedValues = breakMicrodataIntoArray(
CONTEXT.position + startStrLen,
CONTEXT.position = closingTagPosition + endStr.length;
return extractedValues.map(li => {
return parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
// isolated CONTEXT
position: 0,
html: li
* Extracts map object from the given microdata.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule.itemprop} rule
* @param {MapValue} valueType
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {Map<unknown, unknown>}
function extractMapTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
valueType: MapValue,
isNested: boolean = false
): Map<unknown, unknown> | undefined {
let startStr;
if (isNested) {
startStr = '<dl>';
} else {
startStr = `<dl itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`;
const endStr = '</dl>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length;
if (CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr + endStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
CONTEXT.position += (startStr + endStr).length;
return new Map();
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
const endTagPosition = findClosingTag(CONTEXT.html, CONTEXT.position + startStrLen);
const unWrappedMicrodata = CONTEXT.html.slice(CONTEXT.position + startStrLen, endTagPosition);
const extractedValues = [];
let newStartPos = 0;
while (newStartPos < unWrappedMicrodata.length) {
const newEndPosition = findClosingTag(unWrappedMicrodata, newStartPos + '<dt>'.length);
extractedValues.push(unWrappedMicrodata.slice(newStartPos + '<dt>'.length, newEndPosition));
newStartPos = newEndPosition + '</dt>'.length;
CONTEXT.position = endTagPosition + endStr.length;
const valueMap = new Map();
// policy: map's microdata always has one value as the key and one value as the map's value
for (let i = 0; i < extractedValues.length; i += 2) {
const key = parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
// isolated CONTEXT
position: 0,
html: extractedValues[i]
const value = parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
// isolated CONTEXT
position: 0,
html: extractedValues[i + 1]
valueMap.set(key, value);
return valueMap;
* Extracts an unordered list from the given microdata.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule} rule
* @param {StringValue | IntegerValue | NumberValue | BooleanValue | StringifiableValue |
* ReferenceToObjValue | ReferenceToIdValue | ReferenceToClobValue | ReferenceToBlobValue |
* MapValue | BagValue | ArrayValue | SetValue | ObjectValue} itemType
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {unknown[] | undefined}
function extractUnorderedListTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
itemType: BagValue['item'] | SetValue['item'],
isNested: boolean = false
): unknown[] | undefined {
let startStr;
if (isNested) {
startStr = '<ul>';
} else {
startStr = `<ul itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`;
const endStr = '</ul>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length;
if (CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr + endStr)) {
CONTEXT.position += (startStr + endStr).length;
return [];
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
const endTagPosition = findClosingTag(CONTEXT.html, CONTEXT.position + startStrLen);
const extractedValues = breakMicrodataIntoArray(
CONTEXT.position + startStrLen,
CONTEXT.position = endTagPosition + endStr.length;
return extractedValues.map(li => {
return parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
// isolated CONTEXT
position: 0,
html: li
* Extracts an object from the given microdata.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {RecipeRule} rule
* @param {ObjectValue} valueType
* @returns {unknown}
function extractObjectTypeFromMicrodata(
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
rule: RecipeRule,
valueType: ObjectValue
): unknown {
let startStr;
let endStr;
if (CONTEXT.html.startsWith(`<div itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`, CONTEXT.position)) {
// If it is a standalone object, it has an attribute "itemprop"
startStr = `<div itemprop="${rule.itemprop}">`;
endStr = '</div>';
} else {
startStr = '<div>';
endStr = '</div>';
const startStrLen = startStr.length;
if (CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr + endStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return {};
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(startStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
return undefined;
const endTagPosition = findClosingTag(CONTEXT.html, CONTEXT.position + startStrLen);
const unWrappedMicrodata = CONTEXT.html.slice(CONTEXT.position + startStrLen, endTagPosition);
const extractedValues = [];
let newStartPos = 0;
while (newStartPos < unWrappedMicrodata.length) {
const newPositions = extractMicrodataWithTag(unWrappedMicrodata, newStartPos);
extractedValues.push(unWrappedMicrodata.slice(newPositions.start, newPositions.end));
newStartPos = newPositions.end;
const objectPropsMap = new Map<unknown, unknown>();
valueType.rules.forEach(objectRule => {
if (objectRule.optional === undefined) {
objectPropsMap.set(objectRule.itemprop, false);
} else if (!objectRule.optional) {
objectPropsMap.set(objectRule.itemprop, false);
const obj: {[key: string]: unknown} = {};
extractedValues.forEach(microdata => {
for (const objectRule of valueType.rules) {
if (
) {
obj[objectRule.itemprop] = parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
// isolated CONTEXT
position: 0,
html: microdata
objectPropsMap.set(objectRule.itemprop, true);
objectPropsMap.forEach((value, key) => {
if (!value) {
throw createError('M2O-PD1', {itemprop: key, html: CONTEXT.html});
CONTEXT.position = endTagPosition + endStr.length;
return obj;
* The conversion functions allow us to have non-string types when working with data that
* is always saved as (microdata) string. Using type meta information stored in the rule-sets in
* object-recipes.js conversions from microdata (string) to the actual (Javascript) type are
* performed as part of the microdata-to-object conversion.
* The function is exported to be used by other modules. For example, the map-helper module uses
* it to convert dynamic types. Those are not set in the rule-sets but stored with the actual
* individual object (see map object definitions in the recipes).
* Programmer note: The advantage of this vs. one big function with a switch/case statement is
* that the latter cannot be optimized by the JS runtime (compiled) because the types it returns
* keep changing all the time. The type signatures of these short functions on the other hand
* are stable.
* The conversion functions each take one string argument of unescaped microdata (i.e. "<", ">"
* and "&" characters written as HTML entities), unescape the microdata string to a regular
* string with the escaped characters replaced by the actual characters, convert the string to
* the respective type, and return the result.
* @static
* @type {object}
* @property {function(string):string} string - (string) => string
* @property {function(string):boolean} boolean - (string) => boolean
* @property {function(string):number} number - (string) => number
* @property {function(string):RegExp} regexp - (string) => RegExp
* @property {function(string):object} object - (string) => Object
* @property {function(string):Map} Map - (string) => Map
* @property {function(string):Set} Set - (string) => Set
export const CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS: {[key: string]: (value: string) => any} = {
string: stringToString,
boolean: stringToBoolean,
number: stringToNumber,
integer: stringToNumber,
stringifiable: stringToObject,
regexp: stringToRegexp
} as const;
* @static
* @type {object}
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown} primitive - (CONTEXT, rule, isNested) =>
* unknown
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown} reference - (CONTEXT, rule, isNested) =>
* unknown
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown[]} unorderedCollection - (CONTEXT, rule,
* isNested) => unknown[]
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown[]} orderedArray - (CONTEXT, rule, isNested)
* => unknown[]
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown} map - (CONTEXT, rule, isNested) => unknown
* @property {function(CONTEXT, rule, isNested):unknown} obj - (CONTEXT, rule, isNested) => unknown
primitive: extractPrimitiveTypeFromMicrodata,
reference: extractReferenceTypeFromMicrodata,
unorderedCollection: extractUnorderedListTypeFromMicrodata,
orderedCollection: extractOrderedListTypeFromMicrodata,
map: extractMapTypeFromMicrodata,
obj: extractObjectTypeFromMicrodata
} as const;
* @param {ValueType} valueType
* @param {RecipeRule} rule
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @returns {unknown}
function parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(
valueType: ValueType = {type: 'string'},
rule: RecipeRule,
CONTEXT: ParseContext,
isNested: boolean = false
): unknown {
switch (valueType.type) {
case 'string': {
const valueStr = EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.primitive(CONTEXT, rule, isNested);
// This _must_ be a string value or somebody managed to sneak an impossible recipe
// by our Recipe type check. In type-check's ensureRecipeRule() we ensure that a RegExp
// can only be set for string properties, but we still check if it is a string because the
// static type checker does not understand that larger context. Plus, extra safety.
if (
valueStr !== undefined &&
valueType.regexp &&
!new RegExp(
CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS.regexp(valueType.regexp as unknown as string)
).test(valueStr as string)
) {
throw createError('M2O-PV3', {
value: valueStr,
regexp: CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS.regexp(valueType.regexp as unknown as string)
return valueStr
? CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS[valueType.type || 'string'](valueStr as string)
: valueStr;
case 'integer':
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
case 'stringifiable': {
const valueStr = EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.primitive(CONTEXT, rule, isNested);
return valueStr
? CONVERSION_FUNCTIONS[valueType.type || 'string'](valueStr as string)
: valueStr;
case 'referenceToObj':
case 'referenceToId':
case 'referenceToClob':
case 'referenceToBlob': {
return EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.reference(CONTEXT, rule, valueType.type, isNested);
case 'array': {
return EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.orderedCollection(CONTEXT, rule, valueType.item, isNested);
case 'map':
return EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.map(CONTEXT, rule, valueType, isNested);
case 'bag': {
return EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.unorderedCollection(CONTEXT, rule, valueType.item, isNested);
case 'set': {
return new Set(
EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.unorderedCollection(CONTEXT, rule, valueType.item, isNested)
case 'object':
return EXTRACT_FUNCTIONS.obj(CONTEXT, rule, valueType);
* Parses only the inner data part of a ONE microdata object, i.e. the outer frame opening span
* tag has already been parsed and the HTML starting at the given position in only contains
* span tags with actual data. This function continues until all rules are exhausted and the last
* rule ended up finding no matching string (i.e. no matching data value in a span tag with the
* expected itemprop name).
* @static
* @param {OneObjectTypeNames} type - The type was already found by the caller. This function
* expects it so that it can insert it into the returned object before any data properties so
* that in the iteration order of Javascript objects implicitly set (for non-numerical
* properties) through insertion order it gets the first spot. This is for human readers of raw
* data output, the code does not care.
* @param {RecipeRule[]} rules - An array of rules corresponding to all rules for a given ONE
* object type from ONE object recipes
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @returns {OneObjectTypes}
* @throws {Error}
export function parseData<K extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
type: K,
rules: readonly RecipeRule[],
CONTEXT: ParseContext
): OneObjectInterfaces[K] {
// The ONE object to add the parsed data to, pre-filled with the "type" property.
// Type cast because this still needs to be filled with data properties
const obj: Record<string, any> = {$type$: type};
for (const rule of rules) {
// No rules.filter() because this module should use low-level style to avoid any
// unnecessary overhead caused by runtimes that don't optimize perfectly (filter() calls
// another function and returns a new array too).
if (CONTEXT.isIdObj && !rule.isId) {
const actualRule = resolveRuleInheritance(rule);
const value = parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType(actualRule.itemtype, actualRule, CONTEXT);
if (value === undefined && actualRule.optional !== true) {
throw createError('M2O-PD1', {itemprop: actualRule.itemprop, html: CONTEXT.html});
if (value !== undefined) {
obj[actualRule.itemprop] = value;
return obj as OneObjectInterfaces[K];
* This function only parses the opening enclosing "`itemscope`" span tag, extracts the type
* string and optionally compares it to a given expected type, and advances the position counter
* to the next character after the tag it was responsible for parsing.
* Example
* ```html
* <div itemscope itemtype="//refin.io/Person">
* ```
* leads to a return value of
* ```javascript
* {value: 'Person', position: 51}
* ```
* **Note** that while `convert` takes a single string this function expects a `Set` object
* to make it more flexible to accommodate `parseObject`, which also uses a `Set` that it in
* turn receives from the recipe used to parse a *sub-*object.
* @static
* @param {Set<OneObjectTypeNames|"*">} [expectedType] - Expect certain type strings, or '*' if we
* should accept any ONE object type that we have a recipe for. For included sub-objects this is
* set to the Set object of the recipe rule, for top-level objects this is set by the caller.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @returns {OneObjectTypeNames}
* @throws {Error} Throws errors if the HTML could not be parsed, and also if the parsed type
* string is not a known ONE object type name
export function parseHeader<K extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
expectedType: undefined | Set<K | '*'>,
CONTEXT: ParseContext
): K {
// This is the outermost span tag, no excuses...
throw createError('M2O-PH1', {html: CONTEXT.html, isIdObj: CONTEXT.isIdObj});
// Find the type string: between the end of startStr and "> completing the tag
// If the "type" refers to a version of a versioned Recipe there will be a "#VersionTag"
// after the actual type name
const type = ensureValidTypeName(
CONTEXT.html.indexOf('">', CONTEXT.position) - CONTEXT.position
// Type check:
// 1) For included sub-objects always using the Set from rule.referenceToObj
// 2) For top-level objects only when the caller of the module-export convert function
// included a type string
if (expectedType && !(expectedType.has(type as any) || expectedType.has('*'))) {
throw createError('M2O-PHM1', {expectedType, type, html: CONTEXT.html});
CONTEXT.position += type.length + 2; // ">
return type as K;
* Parses a complete html object including the outer frame that contains the type. There
* are two parts: First the opening outer span tag is parsed for the type information, then the
* html inside the outer frame is parsed for the data. The type string is used to find the
* rule-set to use for parsing - the order of rules determines the order data properties are
* expected. When the function is done there should be exactly the closing span tag of the outer
* frame left unparsed (of the current object - if this is an inner/included object).
* - parseObject() it the top-level function to parse microdata into objects, determining the type
* and creating the object that is going to be returned.
* - parseData() is the next-level function, parsing all the actual data of an object. It yields
* the object on the "data" property of the returned object.
* - parseMicrodataByTheExpectedType() is the third-level function, parsing individual values,
* which can also be arrays. It tries to apply a rule from ObjectRecipes.getRecipe(type).rule
* to the HTML until there either is no more HTML left or the remaining HTML does not fit the
* rule it is working on.
* **Note** that while `convert` takes a single string this function expects a `Set` object
* because it needs to be more flexible: It uses the recipe rule's `type` property which is a
* `Set` object.
* @static
* @param {Set<OneObjectTypeNames|"*">} expectedType - Expect certain type strings, or '*' if
* we should accept any ONE object type that we have a recipe for. For included sub-objects this
* is set to the Set object of the recipe rule, for top-level objects this is set by the caller.
* @param {ParseContext} CONTEXT
* @returns {undefined|OneObjectTypes}
* @throws {Error}
export function parseObject(
expectedType: Set<OneObjectTypeNames | '*'>,
CONTEXT: ParseContext
): OneObjectTypes {
const type = parseHeader(expectedType, CONTEXT);
// We get the data-object of the ONE object and the position in the HTML microdata string
// immediately after the last character of the last data item.
const obj = parseData(
// "type" is sent so that it can be inserted right away to be at #1 position in the
// "order" of properties (when iterating) defined by insertion order.
// New position: Immediately after the end of the outer span tag with the type, which
// surrounds the actual data span tags.
// When the data parsing is done we should find the end-tag next and nothing else.
const endStr = '</div>';
if (!CONTEXT.html.startsWith(endStr, CONTEXT.position)) {
throw createError('M2O-POM1', {endStr, position: CONTEXT.position, html: CONTEXT.html});
// New position: Immediately after the closing </span> of the (sub?-)object we just
// finished parsing.
CONTEXT.position += endStr.length;
return obj;
export function convertMicrodataToObject(html: string): OneObjectTypes;
export function convertMicrodataToObject<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T
): OneObjectInterfaces[T];
export function convertMicrodataToObject<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T[]
): OneObjectInterfaces[T];
export function convertMicrodataToObject<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T | T[] | '*'
): OneObjectTypes;
* Convert the microdata representation of a ONE object to Javascript using the rules in
* object-recipes.js. An exception is thrown if there is a problem during the conversion.
* Parsing has been optimized to go through the microdata string only *once*. That means we
* will proceed only forward and never look ahead, for example look for an end-tag and then go
* back to parse what is in between.
* Another optimization is that the original HTML string is kept unaltered and no new strings
* containing parts of the original string are created. Instead, we keep track of the
* ever-advancing position that our parsing has reached. Each sub-function returns 1) its result
* and 2) the new position within the original string that has been reached successfully.
* The only exception are - by necessity - the actual values gained from parsing the string.
* We have to use one of the high-level Javascript methods (here: String.prototype.slice)
* without knowing how it is implemented in the respective Javascript runtime (and version).
* While V8 (and probably other JS engines too) have an internal optimized representation of
* sub-strings using pointers we don't want to rely on that. For some background see:
* http://mrale.ph/blog/2016/11/23/making-less-dart-faster.html
* If there is any discrepancy between what we expect and what we find the respective function
* throws an exception immediately. This means the exception-free code path does not need any
* checks, if the code continues to run we know everything is fine.
* @static
* @param {string} html - One object in HTML (MicroData) representation
* @param {(OneObjectTypeNames|OneObjectTypeNames[])} [expectedType] - An optional expected
* type, or an array of expected type names, which when not matched by the microdata leads to a
* `Error` when attempting to parse the microdata. Leaving this parameter undefined or setting
* it to '*' disables the type check.
* @returns {OneObjectTypes} Returns the Javascript object version of the parsed microdata
* @throws {(Error|Error)}
export function convertMicrodataToObject(html: string, expectedType: any = '*'): OneObjectTypes {
if (html === undefined) {
throw createError('M2O-PCONV1');
const CONTEXT: ParseContext = {
isIdObj: false,
position: 0
const obj = parseObject(
new Set(
Array.isArray(expectedType) ? expectedType : ([expectedType] as OneObjectTypeNames[])
// The final step: If there is even a single character left that was not visited thus far
// the string is not valid ONE microdata. This might be a newline added by an editor
// automatically for whatever reason, but this would make the SHA-256 hash that the given
// type and data are expected to have invalid.
if (CONTEXT.position < html.length) {
throw createError('M2O-PCONV2', {nr: html.length - CONTEXT.position, html: CONTEXT.html});
return obj;
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject(html: string): OneIdObjectTypes;
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject<T extends OneVersionedObjectTypeNames>(
html: string
): OneIdObjectInterfaces[T];
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject<T extends OneVersionedObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T
): OneObjectInterfaces[T];
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject<T extends OneVersionedObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T[]
): OneIdObjectInterfaces[T];
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
html: string,
expectedType: T | T[] | '*'
): OneIdObjectTypes;
* See {@link convertMicrodataToObject}. This function is the same *except it expects ID object
* microdata*.with an extra ID object attribute `data-id-object="true"` in the outer `<span>`.
* This is an extra function because ID objects are not valid ONE objects unless all non-ID
* properties are optional. They also serve a different purpose, instead of being used to store
* data they are used to point to ONE objects that are versions under the ID object.
* We keep ID objects only to be able to be able to tell, given an ID hash, which (ID) properties
* created it.
* Also, while microdata of ID objects is different from microdata of a ONE object that has the
* exact same type and properties (possible if all non-ID properties are optional), there is no
* Javascript object format for ID objects. That is because ID objects are created on the fly
* from regular ONE objects and are ephemeral, only used to create an ID hash.
* That means the objects returned by this function *look* like ONE objects, but rarely are
* (only when all non-ID properties of the `$type$` are optional).
* @static
* @param {string} html - One object in HTML (MicroData) representation
* @param {(OneObjectTypeNames|OneObjectTypeNames[])} [expectedType] - An optional expected
* type or an array of expected type names which when not matched by the microdata leads to a
* `Error` when attempting to parse the microdata. Leaving this parameter undefined or setting
* it to '*' disables the type check.
* @returns {OneObjectTypes} Returns the Javascript object version of the parsed microdata
* @throws {(Error|Error)}
export function convertIdMicrodataToObject(
html: string,
expectedType: any = '*'
): OneIdObjectTypes {
if (html === undefined) {
throw createError('M2O-PCONV1');
const CONTEXT: ParseContext = {
isIdObj: true,
position: 0
const obj = parseObject(
new Set(
Array.isArray(expectedType) ? expectedType : ([expectedType] as OneObjectTypeNames[])
) as OneIdObjectTypes;
// The final step: If there is even a single character left that was not visited thus far
// the string is not valid ONE microdata. This might be a newline added by an editor
// automatically for whatever reason, but this would make the SHA-256 hash that the given
// type and data are expected to have invalid.
if (CONTEXT.position < html.length) {
throw createError('M2O-PCONV2', {nr: html.length - CONTEXT.position, html: CONTEXT.html});
return obj;