* @author Michael Hasenstein <hasenstein@yahoo.com>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2017
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 0.0.1
* Provides types for all core ONE object types. Also see module
* {@link core-types.module:ts|core-types}.
* Provides an API to
* - check if a type string has a recipe
* - get a recipe for a type string
* - add your own recipes
* - check if a type string is a versioned object
* @module
import {createError} from './errors';
import type {
} from './recipes';
import {CORE_RECIPES} from './recipes';
import {clone} from './util/clone-object';
import {ensureRecipeObj, isRuleInheritanceWithOptions} from './util/recipe-checks';
import {isObject} from './util/type-checks-basic';
* In addition to ONE object type names declared in recipes we have one type with the meaning of
* "everything binary". For example, it is used during Chum synchronization to inform a
* remote instance about the type behind a hash to select the right method (binary websocket stream
* transfer) to obtain the file. We define it as a string constant in one place to be sure there
* is only one such string in the code and only one place to change it.
* @static
* @type {'BLOB'}
export const BINARY = 'BLOB';
* In addition to ONE object type names declared in recipes we have one type with the meaning of
* "everything UTF-8 but not a ONE object". For example, it is used during Chum synchronization to
* inform a remote instance about the type behind a hash to select the right method (utf-8 based
* websocket stream transfer) to obtain the file. We define it as a string constant in one place
* to be sure there is only one such string in the code and only one place to change it.
* @static
* @type {'CLOB'}
export const UTF8 = 'CLOB';
* The storage for all recipes known to the runtime.
* Key: ONE object type name strings
* Value: The ONE Recipe object with its array of rules
* @private
* @type {Map<string,Recipe>}
const recipes: Map<string, Recipe> = new Map();
* This Set contains the "type" strings of all recipes that have at least one ID property, which
* shows that it is a recipe for a versioned object.
* @private
* @type {Set<string>}
const versionedObjects: Set<string> = new Set();
* Key: A RecipeRule that has "inheritFrom" set to point to another rule
* Value: The target rule after merging it with the source rule
* @private
* @static
* @type {Map<RecipeRule, RecipeRule>}
const ruleInheritanceCache: Map<RecipeRule, RecipeRule> = new Map();
* Check if we have a recipe *in memory* for the given type string. The recipe must have been
* registered with the instance and loaded into memory, the function does not check for
* {@link Recipe|Recipe objects} in storage.
* @static
* @param {string} type - Any string
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the given string is the name of a type that we have a
* recipe consisting of an array of rules for.
export function hasRecipe(type: string): boolean {
return recipes.has(type);
* Convenience function for the static type checker: Turns a generic "string" into a
* "OneObjectTypeNames". Check if we have a recipe *in memory* for the given type string. The
* recipe must have been registered with the instance and loaded into memory, the function does
* not check for {@link Recipe|Recipe objects} in storage. If we have the recipe the function
* returns the string, but now tagged as "OneObjectTypeNames" instead of as generic "string".
* @static
* @param {string} type - Any string
* @returns {OneObjectTypeNames} Returns the given type string if the given string is the name of a
* type that we have a recipe consisting of an array of rules for.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the given type string is not a recipe we know about
export function ensureValidTypeName<K extends OneObjectTypeNames>(type: K | string): K {
// The reason to use a generic type parameter is that if the type is valid the returned
// string will be tagged as being of that concrete object name, otherwise it would be tagged
// as "one of all the valid names", if we just used OneObjectTypeNames as return type.
if (recipes.has(type)) {
return type as K;
throw createError('OR-ET1', {type});
* Returns the {@link Recipe} object describing how a ONE object of the given type looks like.
* ### Example
* See {@link object-recipes.module:ts.addRecipeToRuntime|addRecipeToRuntime}
* for an example of a definition of a versioned ONE object. Using that example of a `Mailbox`
* object the following code
* ```
* console.log(
* ObjectRecipes.getRecipe('Mailbox')
* );
* ```
* might produce output that looks like this:
* ```
* {
* $type$: 'Recipe',
* name: 'Mailbox',
* rule: [
* {
* itemprop: 'account',
* isId: true
* },
* {
* itemprop: 'name',
* isId: true
* },
* {
* itemprop: 'uidEmailBlobMap',
* valueType: 'object'
* }
* ]
* }
* ```
* @static
* @param {OneObjectTypeNames|string} type - The name of a ONE type for which we have a recipe
* @returns {Recipe} returns a Recipe object describing the ONE object type
* @throws {Error} If the given type is unknown
export function getRecipe(type: OneObjectTypeNames): Recipe {
const recipe = recipes.get(type);
// If we have a recipe for such a type we accept it. We check the string against RECIPES as
// a more complete test: The type string can be anything at this point given how we still
// have to look for the two characters ">
if (recipe) {
return recipe;
throw createError('OR-GR1', {type});
* Add a recipe to working memory. The "Recipe" object may or may not exist in storage.
* A recipe consists of an array of objects of type RecipeRule for the given type ("name")
* string. The recipe's rules are checked for the property names and the corresponding types but
* no further: For example, if you forget "itemprop" (mandatory, a string) in a rule, or if you
* have the wrong type of item on a rule property an Error is thrown. However, for "type" and
* a rule's "itemprop" string property we only guard against HTML-breaking "<" and ">" and
* against whitespace, and we don't check if any other recipes you refer to exist and a wide
* range of conceivable problems.
* A recipe for a ONE object type consists of arrays of objects describing the data properties.
* Allowed rule properties are explained in {@link RecipeRule}:
* ### Example
* The following code adds a recipe for a ONE object type "Mailbox":
* ```javascript
* import * as ObjectRecipes from 'one.core/lib/object-recipes';
* if (!ObjectRecipes.hasRecipe('Mailbox')) {
* ObjectRecipes.addRecipeToRuntime({
* $type$: 'Recipe',
* name: 'Mailbox',
* rule: [
* // SHA-256 hash pointing to OneTest$ImapAccount object that mailbox belongs to.
* // Both the account and the name are the ID attributes of this VERSIONED object,
* // meaning any Mailbox object with the same account and name will be a version of
* // the same object, varying only in the data properties not marked as "isID:true".
* { itemprop: 'account', isId: true, referenceToObj: new Set(['Account']) },
* { itemprop: 'name', isId: true },
* // This is an IMAP protocol feature to check if the IMAP-UIDs from last time are
* // still valid. This 32-bit integer can be fully represented by a Javascript number.
* { itemprop: 'uidValidity', valueType: 'number' },
* // A JSON-stringified UID => OneTest$Email-BLOB-hash map
* { itemprop: 'uidEmailBlobMap', valueType: 'object' },
* ]
* });
* }
* ```
* A ONE object created using this recipe would look like this (indentation and newlines added
* fore readability, not present in the actual microdata):
* ```html
* <div itemscope itemtype="//refin.io/Mailbox">
* <span itemprop="account">8296cf598c1af767b5287....2bd96eae03448da3066aa</span>
* <span itemprop="name">INBOX</span>
* <span itemprop="uidValidity">1455785767</span>
* <span itemprop="uidEmailBlobMap">...[JSON]....</span>
* </span>
* ```
* @static
* @param {Recipe} uncheckedRecipe - (Hopefully) a {@link Recipe|ONE "Recipe" object}
* @returns {undefined} Returns nothing, but if a type with the given name already exists it
* throws an error, also if the given recipe does not pass a few basic tests
* @throws {Error} Throws an Error when there is an error in the recipe that our
* (incomplete) tests detect
export function addRecipeToRuntime(uncheckedRecipe: Readonly<Recipe>): void {
// Throws an Error if it is not a valid Recipe object
const recipe = ensureRecipeObj(uncheckedRecipe);
// We could ignore this because it has no immediate effect, but code that avoids it is usually
// noticeable better - cleaner, more logical, easier to maintain.
if (recipes.has(recipe.name)) {
throw createError('OR-ADDR1', {rName: recipe.name});
// "isId:true" is only allowed in top level rules, so we don't have to recurse into nested
// object rules and only have to examine the top level in this loop. We also don't need to
// look at inherited rules because isId cannot be inherited (the decision was made).
if (recipe.rule.some(rule => rule.isId === true)) {
recipes.set(recipe.name, recipe);
* When then instance is closed is called all runtime recipes need to be removed
export function clearRuntimeRecipes(): void {
* Adds the core recipes to the Runtime needed for basic functionality.
export function addCoreRecipesToRuntime(): void {
for (const recipe of CORE_RECIPES) {
* Any ONE object with a recipe where there is a property `isId: true` is a *versioned object*
* with an idHash common to all versions, a version map (stored using
* the idHash) pointing to all versions.
* ### Example
* See {@link object-recipes.module:ts.addRecipeToRuntime|addRecipeToRuntime}
* for an example of a definition of a versioned ONE object. Using that example of a `Mailbox`
* object the following call would return `true` and the output would be `"Mailbox" is a
* versioned type`:
* ```
* if (ObjectRecipes.isVersionedObjectType('Mailbox')) {
* console.log('"Mailbox" is a versioned type');
* }
* ```
* @static
* @param {string} type - A ONE object type string (or any string really)
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` and a type refinement to {@link OneVersionedObjectTypeNames}
* if the given type is the type name of a versioned ONE object, false (and no type refinement
* from `string`) otherwise.
export function isVersionedObjectType(type: string): type is OneVersionedObjectTypeNames {
return versionedObjects.has(type);
* This function checks the "`type`" property of the given ONE object against a `Set` of type
* names of versioned object types currently registered in the running instance.
* @static
* @param {OneObjectTypes} obj - A versioned or an unversioned ONE object
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` and a type refinement to {@link OneVersionedObjectTypes} if
* the given object is a versioned object type
export function isVersionedObject(obj: OneObjectTypes): obj is OneVersionedObjectTypes {
return versionedObjects.has(obj.$type$);
* A dynamic type check to turn a `string` into a {@link OneVersionedObjectTypeNames}.
* @static
* @param {string} type - A ONE object type string (or any string really)
* @returns {OneVersionedObjectTypeNames} Returns the input string but now typed as
* {@link OneVersionedObjectTypeNames}
* @throws {Error} If the given type is unknown
export function ensureVersionedObjectTypeName<K extends OneVersionedObjectTypeNames>(
type: K | string
): K {
if (versionedObjects.has(type)) {
return type as K;
throw createError('OR-EVO1', {type});
* Get an array with all types known to the currently running instance. This checks memory, not
* persistent storage, so only types actually loaded are found. Since all types registered with
* an instance are automatically loaded this should match the registered types.
* @static
* @returns {OneObjectTypeNames[]} Returns an array of names of currently known (registered)
* ONE object types.
export function getKnownTypes(): OneObjectTypeNames[] {
// Generally we use "string" for the keys because otherwise things like asking if some
// string we got from storage is a valid object type string would already lead to type
// errors. However, here we want to be specific, so we apply a type-cast - we know all keys
// in recipes are ONE object type names.
return Array.from(recipes.keys()) as OneObjectTypeNames[];
* @private
* @static
* @param {OneObjectTypeNames} recipeName - The recipe type string is only used for error messages
* @param {RecipeRule[]} rules - Array of rules
* @param {string[]} path - Path of itemprop strings
* @returns {RecipeRule}
function getRule(recipeName: OneObjectTypeNames, rules: RecipeRule[], path: string[]): RecipeRule {
const rule = rules.find(r => r.itemprop === path[0]);
if (rule === undefined) {
throw createError('OR-GR01', {recipeName, path});
return rule;
* @private
* @static
* @param {string} path - A path starting with a recipe name followed by at least one or more
* itemprop names for each level of object nesting. The separator is a dot ".".
* @returns {RecipeRule}
function getRuleWithPath(path: string): RecipeRule {
const [recipeName, ...itempropPath] = path.split('.');
const recipe = getRecipe(recipeName as OneObjectTypeNames);
return getRule(recipe.name, recipe.rule, itempropPath);
* {@link RecipeRule} objects in {@link Recipe|Recipes} can link to other RecipeRule objects
* in the same recipe by name. They inherit all properties of the linked rule.
* @static
* @param {RecipeRule} source - A rule that may or may not have an "`inheritFrom`"
* property to inherit properties of the linked named rule
* @returns {RecipeRule} Returns a new {@link RecipeRule} if the source rule links to a named
* rule to inherit from, otherwise returns the source rule itself
function resolveSimpleRuleInheritance(source: RecipeRule): RecipeRule {
if (source.inheritFrom === undefined) {
return source;
const cachedTarget = ruleInheritanceCache.get(source);
if (cachedTarget !== undefined) {
return cachedTarget;
const targetRule = isObject(source.inheritFrom) ? source.inheritFrom.rule : source.inheritFrom;
const newRule = Object.assign(
// Allow recursion, the target rule could also have "inheritFrom"
if (
isRuleInheritanceWithOptions(source.inheritFrom) &&
newRule.itemtype !== undefined &&
'item' in newRule.itemtype &&
newRule.itemtype.item !== undefined
) {
const {extract} = source.inheritFrom;
if (extract === 'CollectionItemType') {
if (!['bag', 'array', 'set'].includes(newRule.itemtype.type)) {
throw createError('OR-RSRI1');
newRule.itemtype = newRule.itemtype.item;
if (extract === 'MapItemType') {
if (newRule.itemtype.type !== 'map') {
throw createError('OR-RSRI2');
const newRuleMapType = newRule.itemtype;
newRule.itemtype = {
type: 'object',
rules: [
{itemprop: 'key', itemtype: newRuleMapType.key},
{itemprop: 'value', itemtype: newRuleMapType.value}
// This rule property cannot be inherited and is ignored should we encounter one
if (source.isId === undefined && newRule.isId) {
newRule.isId = false;
ruleInheritanceCache.set(source, newRule);
return newRule;
* @param {*} object
* @param {string} key
* @returns {RecipeRule | undefined}
function resolveNestedRuleInheritanceInItemtype(object: any, key: string): RecipeRule {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {
return resolveSimpleRuleInheritance(object);
const newObject = clone(object);
for (const objectKey of Object.keys(newObject)) {
const value = newObject[objectKey];
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
newObject[objectKey] = resolveNestedRuleInheritanceInItemtype(
return newObject;
* {@link RecipeRule} objects in {@link Recipe|Recipes} can link to other RecipeRule objects
* in the same recipe type by name. They inherit all properties of the linked rule.
* @static
* @param {RecipeRule} source - A rule that may or may not have an "`inheritFrom`"
* property to inherit properties of the linked named rule in his type
* @returns {RecipeRule} Returns a new {@link RecipeRule} if the source rule links to a named
* rule to inherit from, otherwise returns the source rule itself
export function resolveRuleInheritance(source: RecipeRule): RecipeRule {
if (source.itemtype === undefined) {
return source.inheritFrom === undefined ? source : resolveSimpleRuleInheritance(source);
return resolveNestedRuleInheritanceInItemtype(source, 'inheritFrom');