* @author Michael Hasenstein <hasenstein@yahoo.com>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2017
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 0.0.1
* @private
* @module
* The type returned by SET operation(s) for ONE objects written without version history
* mechanism. Exactly one file is created. This type is only used for write operations because
* read operations of objects directly return the object.
* @global
* @typedef {object} UnversionedObjectResult
* @property {OneObjectTypes} [obj] - The ONE object that was stored. This is only set for ONE
* objects representable as Javascript objects. It is undefined for CLOBs and BLOBs. This link
* to the original object is included for easier chaining of promises when the next one in the
* chain also needs access to the object and not just the result of storing it.
* @property {SHA256Hash} hash - The crypto hash of the microdata representation of the object
* and also the filename.
* @property {FileCreationStatus} status - A string constant showing whether the file
* already existed or if it had to be created.
export interface UnversionedObjectResult<
T extends OneUnversionedObjectTypes = OneUnversionedObjectTypes
> {
readonly obj: T;
hash: SHA256Hash<T>;
idHash?: void;
status: FileCreationStatus;
timestamp?: void;
import {createError} from './errors';
import {convertMicrodataToObject} from './microdata-to-object';
import {isVersionedObject} from './object-recipes';
import {convertObjToMicrodata} from './object-to-microdata';
import type {
} from './recipes';
import {reverseMapUpdater} from './reverse-map-updater';
import type {FileCreationStatus} from './storage-base-common';
import {storeUTF8Clob} from './storage-blob';
import {setIdHash} from './storage-id-hash-cache';
import {readUTF8TextFile} from './system/storage-base';
import {clone} from './util/clone-object';
import type {OneEventSource, OneEventSourceConsumer} from './util/one-event-source';
import {createEventSource} from './util/one-event-source';
import type {SHA256Hash} from './util/type-checks';
* Exported for plan-existing-result.js to be able to send events about previously created
* objects. Depending on the version map update policy those may still lead to actual storage
* state changes, and depending on the application's use of those events even no storage state
* change, just the fact that the object was to be created (even if it already exists), may lead
* to state application changes.
* @private
* @type {OneEventSource<UnversionedObjectResult>}
export const unversionedObjEvent: OneEventSource<UnversionedObjectResult> = createEventSource();
* @static
* @type {OneEventSourceConsumer<UnversionedObjectResult>}
export const onUnversionedObj: OneEventSourceConsumer<UnversionedObjectResult> =
* Converts the input object to microdata (string) and then calls storeUTF8Clob()
* @see {@link storage-base-common.module:ts.storeUTF8Clob|storage-base-common.storeUTF8Clob}
* @static
* @async
* @param {OneObjectTypes} obj - An unversioned ONE object **which is cloned** to not be affected if
* the calling code mutates the object later. This is especially important because the (cloned)
* object (reference) is included in the result returned by this function. Cloning ensures the
* hash data matches the object even if the original object is mutated.
* @returns {Promise<UnversionedObjectResult>} A promise with the result of the object
* creation.
export async function storeUnversionedObject<T extends OneUnversionedObjectTypes>(
obj: T
): Promise<UnversionedObjectResult<T>> {
if (isVersionedObject(obj)) {
throw createError('SUO-SO1', {obj});
// Trading (mostly memory-) efficiency for correctness: Insurance against mutation. We
// return the object in the result, and in that result the included object should match the
// hash even if the original object is mutated by the caller.
// TODO Get rid of "obj" in the creation result object
const clonedObj = clone(obj);
const objMicrodata = convertObjToMicrodata(clonedObj);
const objFileWriteResult = await storeUTF8Clob<T>(objMicrodata);
// Optional, an optimization. Useful when the object written is referenced by another one
// and the reverseMapUpdater then attempts to find the ID hash because it does not
// know whether it is looking at a "Reference" to a versioned or to an unversioned object
// and would have to look at the object to find out.
setIdHash(objFileWriteResult.hash, null);
// NOT ATOMIC: We update the *referenced* objects, not the one we just wrote. It is possible
// for a reverse map read to occur between the writing of the current object here and
// updates of the reverse maps, so the read would not include the link back to the object
// just written. We would need to lock all referenced objects before writing the current
// object here, at this point that seems unnecessary. TODO Is it?
await reverseMapUpdater(clonedObj, objFileWriteResult);
const objCreationResult: UnversionedObjectResult<T> = {
obj: clonedObj,
hash: objFileWriteResult.hash,
status: objFileWriteResult.status
return objCreationResult;
* Reads the microdata string of a ONE object from storage and converts it to a Javascript
* representation.
* @static
* @async
* @param {SHA256Hash} hash - A filename
* @returns {Promise<OneObjectTypes>} Resolves with a ONE object created from the contents of the
* file referenced by "hash" - if possible. The promise is rejected with an Error whose name
* property is set to "FileNotFoundError" if the object does not exist.
export async function getObject<T extends OneObjectTypes>(hash: SHA256Hash<T>): Promise<T> {
// Only the asynchronous function is inside the try block, convertObjToMicrodata() is
// not because it is synchronous and if function throws it already produces a full stack
// trace that we don't want to add anything to.
const microdata = await readUTF8TextFile(hash);
// NO TYPE GUARANTEE: During runtime hashes have no type-tag, so we cannot check if the type
// given through the type annotation is correct. Only an additional parameter available at
// runtime can achieve type safety: see getObjectWithType
return convertMicrodataToObject(microdata) as T;
// OVERLOADED DEFINITIONS for this function's different parameter options
export function getObjectWithType<T extends OneObjectTypes>(hash: SHA256Hash<T>): Promise<T>;
export function getObjectWithType<T extends OneObjectTypes>(
hash: SHA256Hash<T>,
type: '*'
): Promise<OneObjectTypes>;
export function getObjectWithType<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
hash: SHA256Hash,
type: T
): Promise<OneObjectInterfaces[T]>;
export function getObjectWithType<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
hash: SHA256Hash,
type: T[]
): Promise<OneObjectInterfaces[T]>;
* Same as {@link storage-unversioned-objects.module:ts.getObject|getObject}, but during loading
* the microdata-to-object converter checks the type. This is especially useful when
* programming with a type checker. Unlike not statically checking types or using type-casts and
* assuming the loaded object has the correct type using this function provides both static
* development-time type checks (if the type checker "TypeScript" is used) and runtime type
* checks, which catches errors when the code is wrong about what kind of ONE object it expects
* from a given hash.
* @see {@link storage-unversioned-objects.module:ts.getObject|getObject}
* @static
* @async
* @param {SHA256Hash} hash - A filename
* @param {(OneObjectTypeNames|OneObjectTypeNames[])} type - Any one of the type string
* constant from ONE object recipes for any ONE object, or an array of those names.
* @returns {Promise<OneObjectTypes>} Resolves with a ONE object created from the contents of the
* file referenced by "hash" - if possible. The promise is rejected with an Error whose name
* property is set to "FileNotFoundError" if the object does not exist, or with an Error if it
* is of the wrong type.
export async function getObjectWithType<T extends OneObjectTypeNames>(
hash: SHA256Hash<OneObjectInterfaces[T]>,
type: T | T[] | '*' = '*'
): Promise<OneObjectTypes> {
// Only the asynchronous function is inside the try block, microdata-to-object.js
// convertMicrodataToObject() is not because it is synchronous and if function throws it
// already produces a full stack trace that we don't want to add anything to.
const microdata = await readUTF8TextFile(hash);
// UNDOCUMENTED in the interface: "type" can also be '*' for any "type". This is a trick so
// that this function can be called by getObjectByIdHash, where the "type" parameter is
// optional, but where we want to benefit from the type checks if one is given. This
// does not affect the JS behavior, this function was made extra in addition to getObject
// instead of just having an optional "type" parameter there solely to benefit from type
// checks, and this still works, when a type is given.
return convertMicrodataToObject(microdata, type);