* @author Michael Hasenstein <hasenstein@yahoo.com>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2017
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 0.0.1
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, jsdoc/require-returns-check */
* @module
import {createError} from '../errors';
import type {HashTypes} from '../recipes';
import type {SimpleReadStream, SimpleWriteStream, StorageDirTypes} from '../storage-base-common';
import type {SHA256Hash} from '../util/type-checks';
// OVERLOADS to help set the "on('data')" event data type to either "string" or "ArrayBuffer",
// depending on the value of "encoding"
export function createFileReadStream(hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>): SimpleReadStream<undefined>;
export function createFileReadStream(
hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>,
encoding: undefined
): SimpleReadStream<undefined>;
export function createFileReadStream(
hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>,
encoding: 'base64'
): SimpleReadStream<'base64'>;
export function createFileReadStream(
hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>,
encoding: 'utf8'
): SimpleReadStream<'utf8'>;
export function createFileReadStream(
hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>,
encoding?: undefined | 'base64' | 'utf8'
): SimpleReadStream;
* The stream starts automatically as soon as the data event handler function has been added.
* You can get the positive or negative (error) result from the stream promise at any later time.
* @static
* @param {SHA256Hash} hash - Hash (and filename) of a ONE object, CLOB or BLOB
* @param {('base64'|'utf8')} [encoding] - Use 'utf8' for streams of UTF-8 text files if you want
* them streamed as UTF-8 (otherwise they are just treated as binary streams). Everything else is
* treated as "binary" and can be streamed as pure binary stream (ArrayBuffer, leave this
* parameter undefined), or as base64 encoded binary stream (the React Native platform does not
* support getting binary data across the native-to-Javascript bridge and requires all binary
* data to be base64 encoded).
* For BLOBSs:
* - undefined: binary stream (ArrayBuffer) (not available on React Native)
* - 'base64': base64 encoded binary stream
* For ONE objects and CLOBs:
* - 'utf8': UTF-8 string stream of UTF-8 contents
* @throws {Error} Throws a synchronous `Error` if no filename is given
* @throws {Error} Rejects with an Error whose name property is set to `FileNotFoundError` if the
* file cannot be found
* @returns {SimpleReadStream} Returns a system-dependent readable stream.
export function createFileReadStream(
hash: SHA256Hash<HashTypes>,
encoding?: undefined | 'base64' | 'utf8'
): SimpleReadStream {
throw createError('DUMMY');
export function createFileWriteStream(): SimpleWriteStream<undefined>;
export function createFileWriteStream(encoding: undefined): SimpleWriteStream<undefined>;
export function createFileWriteStream(encoding: 'base64'): SimpleWriteStream<'base64'>;
export function createFileWriteStream(encoding: 'utf8'): SimpleWriteStream<'utf8'>;
export function createFileWriteStream(
encoding: undefined,
filename: string,
type?: StorageDirTypes
): SimpleWriteStream<undefined>;
export function createFileWriteStream(
encoding: 'base64',
filename: string,
type?: StorageDirTypes
): SimpleWriteStream<'base64'>;
export function createFileWriteStream(
encoding: 'utf8',
filename: string,
type?: StorageDirTypes
): SimpleWriteStream<'utf8'>;
export function createFileWriteStream(encoding: undefined | 'base64' | 'utf8'): SimpleWriteStream;
export function createFileWriteStream(
encoding: undefined | 'base64' | 'utf8',
filename: string,
type?: StorageDirTypes
): SimpleWriteStream;
* Have a look at the description of the {@link SimpleWriteStream} object returned by the method.
* @static
* @param {('base64'|'utf8')} [encoding=undefined] - 'utf8' for text file streams or 'base64' for
* base64 encoded string streams, `undefined` for binary streams
* @param {string} [filename]
* @param {StorageDirTypes} [type='objects']
* @returns {SimpleWriteStream} Returns a simple platform-independent writable stream.
export function createFileWriteStream<E extends undefined | 'base64' | 'utf8'>(
encoding?: E,
filename?: string,
type?: StorageDirTypes
): SimpleWriteStream<E> {
// Generate a random name for the temporary file by creating a random number sequence of
throw createError('DUMMY');