* @author Michael Hasenstein <hasenstein@yahoo.com>
* @copyright REFINIO GmbH 2019
* @license CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5; portions MIT License
* @version 0.0.1
* Helper function that creates an object that can serve as an event source that is used in an
* API-object property.
* Events are all over the place in Javascript, with several major themes:
* - Specific DOM on- event handlers (e.g. onopen, onerror, onclose, onmessage, onclick,...)<br>
* See {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Event_handlers}
* - Generalized DOM events (EventTarget: addEventListener, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent)<br>
* See {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget}
* - Generalized node.js events (EventEmitter: on, once, emit, removeListener,... - a large API)<br>
* See {@link https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v11.x/docs/api/events.html}
* We only need a very limited subset of those features. Nether things like event bubbling nor
* lots of different API functions to subscribe and control events are necessary. The
* specialized (exactly one per event type) "on-" event handlers, without event names (i.e. they
* are implicitly named by the property they are made available under) comes closest, but is
* *too* limited, since 1) it allows only one handler, 2) accidentally overwriting an existing
* handler is possible, making some kinds of code errors harder to find.
* Instead, we use an event source that allows more than one event handler, but which does not use a
* special `Event` class and has only a limited set of API functions. In addition, each event
* source (object) will be responsible for exactly one kind of event only, just like the
* specialized DOM "on-" event types.
* The goal is to expose an appropriately named event source object with methods to subscribe
* and unsubscribe to events for that event. The method to emit events should not be available
* on the event source object exposed as part of an API, but remain visible only to the code
* hidden behind that API.
* @example
* function createSomethingAsynchronous () {
* // The two OneEventSource objects REMAIN PRIVATE
* const onDataEventSource = createEventSource();
* const onErrorEventSource = createEventSource();
* // If this functionality is needed
* onDataEventSource.onListenerChange = (oldSize, newSize) => {
* // Start a process as soon as there is at least one listener
* // Stop a process if there is no listener
* };
* function receiveAsynchronousResults(data, err) {
* if (err) {
* return onErrorEventSource.dispatch(err);
* }
* onDataEventSource.dispatch(data);
* }
* ...
* // Do something that periodically calls receiveAsynchronousResults()
* ...
* // The two OneEventSourceConsumer objects ARE EXPORTED
* return {
* onData: onDataEventSource.consumer,
* onError: onErrorEventSource.consumer
* };
* }
* const someObj = createSomethingAsynchronous();
* someObj.onData.addListener(data => processData(data));
* someObj.onError.addListener(error => console.log(error));
* @module
* Event handler callback functions
* @global
* @typedef {Function} EventHandlerCb
* @param {T} data
* @returns {(undefined|Promise<undefined>)}
export type EventHandlerCb<T> = (param: T) => void | Promise<void>;
* Object with functions for the intended consumer of events.
* This object is part of the {@link OneEventSource} object type created by the
* {@link util/event-source.module:ts.createEventSource|`util/event-source.createEventSource`}
* method.
* @global
* @typedef {object} OneEventSourceConsumer
* @property {function(EventHandlerCb):function():void} OneEventSource.consumer.addListener - Add
* an event handler function, unless this exact function is already subscribed, in which case an
* error is thrown. The function returns a function that removes this listener function.
* @property {function(EventHandlerCb):void} OneEventSource.consumer.removeListener - Remove an
* event handler function, unless the given function is not subscribed, in which case an error
* is thrown
export interface OneEventSourceConsumer<T> {
addListener: (cb: EventHandlerCb<T>) => () => void;
removeListener: (cb: EventHandlerCb<T>) => void;
* Object type created by the
* {@link util/event-source.module:ts.createEventSource|`util/event-source.createEventSource`}
* method.
* @global
* @typedef {object} OneEventSource
* @property {OneEventSourceConsumer} consumer - Object with functions for the intended consumer of
* events. This object can be exposed on API-object property appropriately named to reflect the
* event type, e.g. "onData", "onError".
* @property {null|function(number,number,EventHandlerCb):void} onListenerChange - WRITABLE —
* Default is `null`. Assign an event handler function that gets called every time a listener
* function is added or removed. The event handler receives the old and the new number of
* listeners as arguments, as well as the event handler function that was added or removed (in that
* order).
* @property {function(*):void} dispatch - A non-public function to send an event to all subscribed
* listeners. Any arguments given to the function are given as-is to all event handler functions.
* @property {function(*):Promise<Array<*>>} dispatchAsync - A non-public function to send an event
* to all subscribed listeners and await and return the possibly Promise-based return values. Any
* arguments given to the function are given as-is to all event handler functions.
export interface OneEventSource<T> {
consumer: OneEventSourceConsumer<T>;
onListenerChange: null | ((oldCount: number, newCount: number, cb: EventHandlerCb<T>) => void);
dispatch: (param: T) => void;
dispatchAsync: (param: T) => Promise<unknown[]>;
import {createError} from '../errors';
import {isFunction} from './type-checks-basic';
* Creates an {@link OneEventSource} with an {@link OneEventSourceConsumer} object with public
* methods for consumers of the event, and non-public methods for the code that is the source of
* the events and is publishing the interface.
* @static
* @returns {OneEventSource} Returns an {@link OneEventSource} object
export function createEventSource<T extends unknown = unknown>(): OneEventSource<T> {
const listeners: Set<EventHandlerCb<T>> = new Set();
function addListener(fn: EventHandlerCb<T>): () => void {
if (listeners.has(fn)) {
throw createError('EVS-CR1');
if (isFunction(API.onListenerChange)) {
API.onListenerChange(listeners.size - 1, listeners.size, fn);
return () => removeListener(fn);
function removeListener(fn: EventHandlerCb<T>): void {
if (!listeners.has(fn)) {
throw createError('EVS-CR2');
if (API.onListenerChange !== null) {
API.onListenerChange(listeners.size + 1, listeners.size, fn);
function dispatch(data: T): void {
listeners.forEach(fn => fn(data));
async function dispatchAsync(data: T): Promise<unknown[]> {
return await Promise.all([...listeners.values()].map(fn => fn(data)));
const API: OneEventSource<T> = {
consumer: {
onListenerChange: null,
return API;