This represents a FileSystem Structure that can create and open directories/files and persist them in one. This class is using PersistentFileSystemRoot, PersistentFileSystemDirectory and PersistentFileSystemFile Recipes & FileSystemDirectory and FileSystemFile types from IFileSystem interface in order to accomplish this FileSystem structure.




onFilePersisted: OEvent<((data: {
    fileHash: SHA256Hash<BLOB>;
    fileName: string;
}) => void)> = ...
onRootUpdate: null | ((rootHash: SHA256Hash<PersistentFileSystemDirectory>) => Promise<void>) = null



  • Change the permissions.

    Can throw:

    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-ENOENT when the parent dir does not exist or the given mode is not a file type
    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-EACCES-W if the parent directory does not have write permission


    • pathName: string

      The file path

    • mode: number

      The desired mode

    Returns Promise<number>

    • Returns 0 for success
  • Overwrites a file if the file already exist in the folder, otherwise, adds the file.


    • directoryPath: string
    • fileHash: SHA256Hash<BLOB>
    • fileName: string
    • fileMode: number = 0o0100666

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Rename file.

    Can throw:

    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-ENOENT when the parent dir does not exist or the given mode is not a file type
    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-EACCES-W if the parent directory does not have write permission


    • src: string

      The src path

    • dest: string

      The dest path

    Returns Promise<number>

    • Returns 0 for success
  • Deletes a file or a symlink.

    Can throw:

    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-ENOENT if the file does not exist
    • FS_ERRORS.FSE-EACCES-W if the file does not have write permission


    • pathName: string

    Returns Promise<number>

    • Returns 0 for success