This class handles storing and retrieving of blob collections. All get methods are set to only use the ownerChannel

Multiple files: Storing: call addCollections with an array of files and a name. Loading: call getCollection(name)

Single file: Storing: call addCollections with an array of files containing one element and a name. Loading: call getCollection(name)[0]

Hierarchy (view full)



onUpdated: OEvent<((timeOfEarliestChange: Date) => void)> = ...
state: StateMachine<"Uninitialised" | "Initialised", "shutdown" | "init">
channelId: "blobCollections" = 'blobCollections'


  • allows to set the channel owner so that not all channels of all owners will be loaded


    • channelOwner: SHA256IdHash<Person>

    Returns void