This model deals with the user consent.

The consent can be given and revoked and the object needs to be signed by the user.

When the consent is given data is shared with a predefined entity. When the consent is revoked this sharing needs to stop.

The application needs to take care of the previous tasks. Therefore it can:

  • Check the public consentState to see the current consent state
  • Listen and filter on ConsentModel.consentState .onEnterState(state => {if (state == 'Revoked'){ do ...}}) to stop sharing if it is received.

Hierarchy (view full)



consentState: StateMachine<"Uninitialised" | "Given" | "Revoked", "shutdown" | "giveConsent" | "revokeConsent">
firstConsentDate: undefined | Date
onUpdated: OEvent<(() => void)> = ...
state: StateMachine<"Uninitialised" | "Initialised", "shutdown" | "init">
channelId: "consent" = 'consent'


  • The init function is only called after ONE is initialized

    It updates the state from storage if no consent changes where queued. Else it writes the queue to storage


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • file: File
    • status: "given" | "revoked"

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • text: string
    • status: "given" | "revoked"

    Returns Promise<void>