This module connects Leute with the lower level connection stuff.

This module basically looks for OneInstanceEndpoints in leute and creates connection routes for each of them. See the lowe level ConnectionRouteManager for mor details on what routes are.



onConnectionsChange: OEvent<(() => void)> = ...

Event is emitted when a connection is established or closed.

onKnownConnection: OEvent<((conn: default, localPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, localInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, initiatedLocally: boolean, routeGropuId: string) => void)> = ...

Event that is emitted if an incoming connection was accepted and the identity of the other side is known

onOnlineStateChange: OEvent<((state: boolean) => void)> = ...

Event is emitted when the state of the connector changes. The event contains the value of the online state.

onUnknownConnection: OEvent<((conn: default, localPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, localInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, initiatedLocally: boolean, routeGropuId: string) => void)> = ...

Event that is emitted if an incoming connection was accepted, but the identity of the other side is not known



  • Disable all connections to this instance.


    • remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>
    • OptionallocalPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>

      If specified only the connections originating from this person are affected.

    • disable: boolean = true

      if false, then enable instead

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Disable all connections to this person.


    • remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>
    • OptionallocalPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>

      If specified only the connections originating from this person are affected.

    • disable: boolean = true

      if false, then enable instead

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Enable all connections to this instance.


    • remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>
    • OptionallocalPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>

      If specified only the connections originating from this person are affected.

    • enable: boolean = true

      if false, then disable instead

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Enable all connections to this person.


    • remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>
    • OptionallocalPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>

      If specified only the connections originating from this person are affected.

    • enable: boolean = true

      if false, then disable instead

    Returns Promise<void>