when creating the default oneInstanceEndpoint this url is used
If true then init() should create an everyone group and add listeners for new 'Person' objects and add them if they are not in the everyone group. (default: false)
EVERYONE_Add a profile to a someone object already managing this persons identity.
If no such someone object exists a new one is created.
Add a new person
Create a new identity for myself with a complete set of keys and a 'default' profile.
This will:
email: stringOptional
instanceName: stringCreate a new group.
If it already exist this will return the existing group instead.
name: stringIf specified use this name, otherwise create a group with a random id.
the created group or the existing one if it already existed.
Create a new profile for someone.
The Person for which to create the personId
profileId: stringThe profile id. Defaults to a random string.
ensureSomeoneId: SHA256IdHash<Someone>if specified, ensure that this someone object is the found object.
Create a new identity for someone with a 'default' profile.
This will:
email: stringGet my own instance endpoints.
If true, then only get endpoints for your main identity.
Get instance endpoints from all contacts.
Get all instance endpoints for person.
Collect all IoM and IoP endpoints.
Get the profile name from one of the default profiles.
It will first try to find the profile that we edited (I am owner). Then it will try to find the profile that the person itself edited (He is owner) Then it will look for a default profile from any owner.
Collect all remote instances of my other devices.
Collect all remote instances of everyone else.
Collect all remote instances of my other devices.
personId: SHA256IdHash<Person>Collect all local instances that represent this device.
Note: LeuteModel is probably not the correct place for this ... but instances.ts neither
Collect all local instances that represent this device.
Note: LeuteModel is probably not the correct place for this ... but instances.ts neither
Remove a person you know.
Returns items for pictures that were updated.
_queryOptions: QueryOptionsReturns items for statuses that were updated.
_queryOptions: QueryOptionsSets a new profile for myself.
If the profile has a different identity, than the old one the main identity will change!
This class manages people - to be precise: their identities including your own.
Identity is important for defining which data belongs to whom, with whom to share data ... This class is one of the few central building blocks that makes the one ecosystem tick.
It uses three concepts to manage identities:
Q: How are Person / Profile and Someone related? A: Someone refers to multiple profiles, a profile refers to an identity.
Q: What are the responsibilities of this model? A:
Other important information: