
  • Parameters

    • leuteModel: default
    • inviteExpirationDurationInMs: number
    • url: string

      The url over which to contact this instance. This should be determined differently for each invite based on the incoming routes for the person ... but we are not there, yet.

    Returns default


inviteExpirationDurationInMs: number
onPairingSuccess: OEvent<((initiatedLocally: boolean, localPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, localInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>, remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>, token: string) => void)> = ...

Event is emitted when the one time authentication was successful. The emitted event value represents the authentication token.


  • Parameters

    • conn: default
    • localPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>
    • localInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>
    • remotePersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>
    • remoteInstanceId: SHA256IdHash<Instance>

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Connect to target using pairing information with the goal to pair / being taken over


    • invitation: Invitation
    • OptionalmyPersonId: SHA256IdHash<Person>

    Returns Promise<void>