Trust levels:

  • Inner circle (just me): -- Only local keys of main identity -- Local and remote keys of main identity -- Only local keys of me someone -- Local and remote keys of me someone
  • Others -- TrustKeysCertificate by inner circle and persons that have the right to issue trusted keys



  • Type Parameters

    • CertT extends OneObjectTypeNames


    • hash: SHA256Hash | SHA256IdHash
    • certType: CertT

    Returns Promise<SHA256IdHash<Person>[]>

  • Create certificate by writing it as object to the one db.

    Note: Automatic derivation of T does not work with Omit on a one object. That's why you have to specify the type separately.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends keyof OneCertificateInterfaces


    • type: T
    • certData: Omit<OneCertificateInterfaces[T], "$type$" | "license">
    • Optionalissuer: SHA256IdHash<Person>

    Returns Promise<{
        certificate: UnversionedObjectResult<OneCertificateInterfaces[T]>;
        license: UnversionedObjectResult<License>;
        signature: UnversionedObjectResult<Signature>;

  • Finds the key that verifies the signature.

    Attention! This might also return keys that are not trusted. You have to check the trusted value of the returned KeyTrustInfo.


    Returns Promise<undefined | KeyTrustInfo>

  • Check if data has a certificate of specified type issued by a specific person.

    Type Parameters

    • CertT extends OneObjectTypeNames


    • data: SHA256Hash | SHA256IdHash

      The data for which certificates should be checked.

    • certType: CertT

      Type of certificate to check

    • issuer: SHA256IdHash<Person>

      Check if certified by this person

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Check if data has a certificate of specified type issued by specific person.

    Type Parameters

    • CertT extends OneObjectTypeNames


    • data: SHA256Hash | SHA256IdHash

      The data for which certificates should be checked.

    • type: CertT

      Type of certificate to check

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Verify a signature.

    This also includes, that the key belongs to the mentioned issuer.


    • data: SHA256Hash
    • issuer: SHA256IdHash<Person>

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Return the persons who signed this object (only valid signatures - the rest is dropped)


    • data: SHA256Hash

    Returns Promise<SHA256IdHash<Person>[]>